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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Dunno how they could police stopping people selling on tickets though.


    yeah, not sure either tbh. but some sort of partial ballot + points never expiring might help reduce the number of people doing it though.


    1 minute ago, Wallsendmag said:

    We've just bought tickets for the Womens game next month. Was £3 for me and £1 for the bairn. Problem there if you offered loyalty points is that people would buy tickets for events such as these without any intention of turning up, effectively buying a loyalty point. You should definitely get them for home cup games and pre season friendlies though.


    technology could help here. points are only activated once your ticket has been scanned on the turnstile.

  2. the loyalty point system definitely needs looking at. the fact you can only get them by attending away games is ridiculous. having a season ticket and going to every possible home game = 0 loyalty :lol: aye, righto.


    should give you something for every game, including friendlies, cups, womans etc. would help attendances for starters.


    that only solves half the problem though, they need to stop people hoarding points by buying tickets and selling them on. they shouldn't expire either.

  3. :thup:


    I'm already registered with dkms, and I had the privilege of donating stem cells to someone with blood cancer a few years ago.


    as an organisation they were absolutely brilliant to deal with. but I won't lie, it's not an easy process if you get selected as a donor. in order to produce enough stem cells, you need to inject yourself beforehand for a few weeks. not sure exactly what happens, but it bloody knacks your ribs/back for a while.


    that being said, fuck all compared to the person at the other end of the process. which is what it's all about. so get registered folks!


    edit: funnily enough it was this little lad in his toon top trying to save his Dad that made me sign up. the power of football eh?



  4. 7 minutes ago, DahnSahf said:

    But maybe he could have had a loan spell or two which would have made him the player he is today.


    he had 6 loan spells while he was here.


    he's gone on record and said us sacking him off was a wake-up call and made him sort himself out.

  5. 23 minutes ago, christ said:

    We have been spectacularly shit at doing either like. Look at Toney. Considered a relative success because we had a sell on clause but in reality letting him go for what we did - or even at all - was a massive fuck up.


    not really, because the world doesn't work like that. his spell at Peterborough made him the player he is today.

  6. he's not a suit type of manager. much more of a coach! therefore a tracksuit is appropriate. we don't want him trying to be something he's not.


    :lol: fucking international breaks eh?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Greg said:


    Not sure that's true. 

    Quite easy to find the audited accounts of the Trust online https://mutuals.fca.org.uk/Documents/Download/874970 

    I suspect most of the people raising this have not read the information provided to members, the various documents and meeting minutes or the audited accounts or even contacted the Trust directly to ask.

    Easy to complain without taking the time to be informed.


    it is true. there was a full public page that tracked donations, and expenses with receipts attached. completely visible on the website.


    it's an easy thing to do, not sure why you lot insist on making things incredibly difficult for yourselves. it looks shady, even though it's probably not.

  8. 2 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Sure he's dated a ridiculous amount of good looking women and is pictured in the tabloids often


    you can't just say things like this without providing concrete evidence. step up your game Mr T

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