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Big River

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Posts posted by Big River

  1. feel like I'm always shitting on the PA bloke :lol: but he was rubbish again last night.


    started the scarf waving too early.

    poor timings and crap choice of music pre and post match.

    a half-time poem ffs.

    announcing the score before each scorer.


    it's criticism, but coming from a good place, we're so close to having something really really special. just don't think he ever helps our cause.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

    I was leery when the lineups came out.  I understand why but I think it was too hopeful.  Ritchie being the biggest surprise.  He's done.  I really thought Anderson would be develop outside and thought he should have been slotted in Ritchie's spot.  He looks crowded out as a CM and think he'll be better suited as a wide forward.  I have no problem with Manquillo and was glad to see Lewis get a run out.  However I would have to have seen him in a stronger side.  Was surprised to see Dubs as He hadn't played or trained with the team much.  And I did not expect much from Wood, sadly. The biggest disappointment was Murphy.  He wilted under any pressure there may have been.  In a game where we had to score first to lock it in we had quite a few missed opportunities up front.  All in all the kind of performance you'd expect from such a patch work team.


    Anderson needs to go on loan.  Lewis and Murphy should be flogged.  Ritchie should be drawn and quartered.  Good set pieces and a big mouth don't cut it any more.  The rest of the back up players showed they were just back ups aqnd the first team players did little to distinguish themselves.


    Gotta win  


    bit of a strange take, Ritchie was one of our better performers.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Haven't seen anyone on here slagging Edinburgh off, but if they're trying to mock Newcastle it's a bit of a self own considering they're largely both in exactly the same 19th century style.


    :lol: what is actually wrong with people, man? both cities are class.

  4. 3 minutes ago, OpenC said:

    Just wish he had come on with the rest of the good players last night rather than wasting his time at the front of a second fiddle team that was creating the square root of fuck all.  Easy to say after the fact when we had the luxury of all the subs being tactical, of course.


    fwiw, Howe said he wanted to get a full pre-match preparation under his belt, rather than bring him on.

  5. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    No more simplistic than saying he’s been seriously overestimated on here. Like @Theregularssays he shouldn’t be seen as simply just a LB as he switches between that and LCB constantly and one of the reasons in Botman looking so good and in turn Schär also he has almost become a sweeper moping up behind and avoiding the less physical defending to a degree.


    some underestimate, some overestimate. the point I was making is that the answer is somewhere in between.



  6. 8 minutes ago, STM said:

    Best defence in the league.


    1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    Defensive record not the best in the league?  and the clubs history ?


    the whole team gets the credit for our defensive record. Howe, Pope, and even Burn last night literally said that.


    it's a bit simplistic to think it's purely down to our LB, but fair enough crack on.

  7. 1 minute ago, STM said:

    I think some are seriously underestimating the job Dan Burn has been doing. It's a massive assumption that we could just play another flying full back at left back without seriously hurting the balance of our team.


    I think some are seriously overestimating the job he has been doing too :lol:

  8. Leeds were far bigger shit houses the other day. but because it wasn’t on Sky or against any of the ESL 6 nobody cares. it’s part of the game, whether people like it or not.


    we need to get used it ourselves, it’ll happen more and more once the ignorance lifts and enough people realise we’re a top team.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Was absolutely astounded after some good punditry from all 3 studio guests that Neville then came out with "Newcastle changed their front 3, they brought on Saint Maximin, Wood and Murphy. Arsenal didn't have that luxury"


    What in the actual fuck :lol:


    Arteta too bitter to give us any credit in his interview and then rightly criticised one pen whilst the handball absolutely wasn't one.


    On to more important things, after the first 5 minutes I felt we made minor adjustments to keep Saka a tad more quiet but Arteta had the tactical edge still, as Odegaard sat in a pocket between Burn, Willock and Joelinton and seemingly hid out in a no man's land where no one took responsibility for him. This led to Saka getting more time and space and man for man with Burn. However, we began to close ranks on the flanks and by the second half Saka got almost as little as Martinelli had been getting all night.


    Defensively, I'd have had Almiron switch to assist in the operation with Saka and would have pushed Willock wide right and Joelinton into the centre to wrestle Xhaka.


    Offensively, I'd have put ASM on for Wilson instead of Wood and potentially Ritchie or Anderson for Willock late on once he was fucked. I think we'd have had more cutting edge up top and more rigity defensively to enable ASM to be free.


    However, what do I know?!


    Despite a fairly stonewall penalty for the pulling of shirts, we qere due a decision. A point away to the league leaders, who, by and large didn't create us too many issues despite not playing bad. 1 defeat all season, 6 clean sheets in a row (#FTM), the only team not to lose at the Emirates this season, the only team to not concede to Arsenal this season, 15(?!) Unbeaten in a row and in the QF of a cup, 3rd place and flying high.


    I have a feeling we'll lose 4 games this season in total. 2 finals and 2 in the league, finishing just outside the CL spots and cupless. The thought of it makes me sick :lol:





    you were doing so well until that last paragraph :lol:

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