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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. The season starts in 30 days, the new manager is Steve Bruce and he's about to take a squad without any goal scorers on a pre-season tour of China. :lol:


    In 2019


    Steve Fucking Bruce man :lol: So glad I don't give a shit about Ashley's NUFC. Looking forward to all the extra spare time next season.

  2. 88M for Longstaff. 165M for Longstaff and Lascelles together. Bargain.


    88m Saudi Riyal is around £19m, so aye that's about right once the Saudi's buy you.


    Longstaff is better than Pogbar m8

  3. Meanwhile in the real world clubs are signing players they have scouted and set up for months whilst the powerhouse that is NUFC has no manager no coaches and no one to blow up the paddling pool and put ice in the wheelie bins on Thursday


    Happy days


    Yup. That's one relegation spot booked for the season.

  4. Getting slated by some our fans for going to China, morons.


    I reckon the reason he's not waiting around for new owners is because he knows the takeover is bullshit, which it will prove to be imo, dreadfully bad this.


    I'm a bit dissapointed in him tbf. I adored the man but he was building something good here. I wanted to see Almiron and Longstaff under him for a full season and I think top 10 was still a realistic goal for next season. Just seems a shame to chuck all what we had here away to go to some bad Chinese team.


    You just know when we get a new Proper Manager he'll play Colback and Shelvey ahead of Longstaff :lol:

  5. Someone’s apparently been on to midhat about them not wanting Rafa.



    Pretty sure she told people on twitter to stop messaging him, too! She seems like a proper negative gobs***e.

    He should stop answering people then...


    That's pretty much the long and short of it, aye. Maybe he's just a REALLY polite bloke.


    What did he reply  to her it's not letting me view her post



  6. KK’s team was the most entertaining and enjoyable team to watch. If the opposition scored 3 we would score 4. Always felt that the Newcastle curse would stop us winning anything with KK but it was a fabulous journey.


    SBR had a team of very talented players, had a great time in Europe and some great performances in the premiership....always thought we were 5 years too late in getting SBR and never destined to win a trophy.


    RAFA on the other hand acquired a team of 100% triers who what they lacked in ability made up for it with grit and determination. Nearly every player greatly improved their skill and understanding of their role to the team.I thought it was just a matter of time before RAFA would win us a trophy.Provide him with just a few good buys in a few select areas and a trophy was getable. In all the time i’ve Supported the team(my first game was in 1960), this is the first time I thought we had a manager and his setup, which would be able to win decisive games in a major competition.


    Thanks RAFA for giving me hope.


    Oh and thank you Ashley for taking away this.....may your remaining time on planet earth be void of any pleasures.


    Yup. Pound for pound the best manager we've ever had.


    Thanks for everything Senor Benitez. All the best in your future.

  7. By far the best football man to ever be associated with this club. IMO. The club is now officially dead. Any stupid fucker putting a penny in Ashley's pocket after this deserves what's coming.


    I can now save 300 Euro on the tv box.

  8. Could quite easily sack off football altogether. Not enjoying it as a spectacle anymore, and apart from NUFC I have probably watched the least amount of football in my entire life this season. Couldn't care less about the Copa America or ACN or whatever else is on this summer. It's never been this bad in terms of my interest in football, or lack thereof.


    If Rafa leaves I think I'll just spend matchdays with the bairn doing something useful.

  9. Out on the drink from 1pm with a mobile phone running out of data. Am ringing round the Ouseburn to check the wifi's sorted in The Ship etc.


    If you see a heavily tattooed, rugged (but handsome), man drinking around the Ouseburn around 5:30pm, come and say hello. You can share my data. We can tether... :love:

    What if I see a heavily tattooed, rugged (but handsome) woman?


    Tether away lad

  10. Mo Harb, another football journo in the region (@moharb29) also says Sheikh Khaled is now owner of NUFC. Really weird if it's all just fake bollocks.


    Fwiw, I'm fluent in arabic so anything anyone finds, send my way for translation/verification.


    The article above?


    It's just rehashing the day's news from that headline.

  11. Mo Harb, another football journo in the region (@moharb29) also says Sheikh Khaled is now owner of NUFC. Really weird if it's all just fake bollocks.


    Fwiw, I'm fluent in arabic so anything anyone finds, send my way for translation/verification.

  12. There hasn't really been a standout IMO. Rondon and Perez for scoring enough goals in clutch situations winning enough games to stay up. Isaac Hayden and Sean Longstaff had an incredible run together defending well and stitching together the back and front lines. Ritchie never stopped running and produced some excellent end product. Almiron came in and rejuvenated the entire squad and the way we attack. Dubravka and the defence were immense when called upon.


    I personally voted Perez but could just as easily have voted for Rondon or Schär.

  13. I'll be honest. I've hated every version of Liverpool in the past, apart from a couple of Rafa years. They've almost always been overrated by the media and especially their fans. Having knobheads in their teams like Suarez, Sturridge and a few more made me hate them even more. This version of Liverpool is actually quite good though. They finally have the team to back up their delusions of grandeur, and a very likeable manager (albeit a bit of a nugget when he loses).


    I didn't mind them winning last night nearly as much as I minded them cheating their way to beating us.


    Also, it was only the second time I've seen Barcelona play, and fuck me! How pony are they? Basically Messi and 10 clowns.

  14. So we go into the last fixtures of the PL season with everything decided except the biggest prize of all.

    Champions League places, Europa League places and relegation all sorted just the big one to decide, surrounded no doubt by the biggest hype for quite a while.

    Of course had the referees not given Liverpool that free kick for the most obvious dive you'll ever see, or had Newcastle went on to equalise with their last attack instead of being penalised for some "phantom" foul which no one but the referee saw, then the broadcaster that puts billions into the Premier League pot would be left with a bit of a non-event on Sunday instead of the huge global story it will be hyped as instead.

    Just saying like .............



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