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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. In my lifetime we have won the FA Cup 3 times won the European Fairs cup which was replaced by the UEFA cup lost the FA cup final in 1974 and League cup final in 1976 and runners up in the EPL in 95/96 and lost FA cup finals in 1998 and 1999.  It's not like we haven't had opportunities to win more trophies.


    In my lifetime we’ve won nothing. I’m 50 next week....

    Two Texaco cups, an anglo Italian, japan and intertoto you ungrateful git ye.



  2. I’m no more attached to the current iteration of the stadium than I was to how it was when I first went with the old wooden West Stand. Tear it down and build something new on the site.


    The location is the important thing, I’d rather rebuild on the current site but if that’s not possible move it into Leazes Park or down to the Arena site.

  3. Stopped bothering watching on TV but just got Sky/BT again for the festive period. Found myself actively wanting us to lose, sorry but I couldn’t give a shit. I live near Bath now and went to Southampton away the last match before the lockdown. Primarily to take my NUFC supporting mate who I converted years ago to his first away game. Enjoyed the day out and the beers but only half heartedly celebrated the win.


    I’m currently watching the games and holding my nose as there’s seemingly a chance of a takeover that is predicated on PL safety. If that falls through I’m out for good.

  4. Is it bad that I want Everton to win? How do most feel?


    I've wanted NUFC to lose since Rafa left, I've tried this season to tone it down and wish them the best, but I just cannot do it. There is nothing to support.


    I feel exactly the same to be honest. I first went in the mid 80s and was going when crowds got down to 16,000. I’ve never felt like this before. Just seeing Bruce in the dugout turns my stomach. I even went to the Southampton game before lockdown with a mate I’ve converted to the Toon for his first game. He was buzzing, I only half heartedly celebrated ASM’s winner.


    I’m wondering now if I’ll ever get the feeling back, cancelled my Sky and BT last year and I’m slowly losing interest in a game I’ve been fascinated in for decades.


    Lower leagues is probably the answer.


    My nearest league side now is Swindon Town (followed by the Bristol Clubs) who I watched a few times last season. They played good football and were promoted. Not a bad day out but I wasn’t totally sold.


    My nearest non-league club play in the Western league (tier 10 I think) and were formed in 1893 - they play in red though which never feels right.


    Bath City are nearby so that’s an option. Either that or start following the Brazilian or Argentinian leagues.

  5. Is it bad that I want Everton to win? How do most feel?


    I've wanted NUFC to lose since Rafa left, I've tried this season to tone it down and wish them the best, but I just cannot do it. There is nothing to support.


    I feel exactly the same to be honest. I first went in the mid 80s and was going when crowds got down to 16,000. I’ve never felt like this before. Just seeing Bruce in the dugout turns my stomach. I even went to the Southampton game before lockdown with a mate I’ve converted to the Toon for his first game. He was buzzing, I only half heartedly celebrated ASM’s winner.


    I’m wondering now if I’ll ever get the feeling back, cancelled my Sky and BT last year and I’m slowly losing interest in a game I’ve been fascinated in for decades.

  6. Silence suits Ashley down to the ground, of course it can’t drag on for ever and he’ll eventually have to come out and say he’s received no bid or some such bollocks.


    Still think he’s waiting for his preferred bidder to find the cash which allows him to continue feeding on the corpse of the club into the next decade.

  7. I predict Allerdyce will be in by Xmas. Crowds (actual crowds not tickets sold) will be well under 40k by then so no one will care.

    40K would turn up just to sit in the Stadium for 90 minutes.


    When I started going to the match there was regularly 16k in the stadium. The PL fanboys will soon melt away after a couple of seasons in the Champo.

  8. Please don't promote or encourage acts of violence on here lads, in jest or otherwise. It only takes someone to do something daft for the forum to be potentially dragged into it.


    So blowing anything up is out of the question now  :whistle:

    Seen this rumour doing the rounds. IF that’s true it’s worrying.



    We've been here before, sounds eerily like the last time Ashley pulled out of selling to buyers from the middle east, I think those ones went on to buy Man City.


    It probably is just rumours to be honest, but that is how he works, so there must be a good chance of it being true. Everything would tie in nicely, including the statements from BZG.


    Everything about this add up perfectly. I’m afraid BZG are pissing in the wind.


    I bet the fat cunt wished he kept Rafa sweet and signed up for another year as this club will be worth fuck all in 6 months.

  9. When Ashley finally fucks off it will be pinpointed that the moment Rafa walked through the door was the moment Ashley’s game was up.


    You can kill the man (metaphorically) but you can’t kill the idea.


    We owe a great debt to Rafa.

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