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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. Shearer came back from injuries a lot worse than Owen ever suffered and outside of those periods he hardly missed a game.


    Shearer was electric at Blackburn and although he never had Owen’s raw pace he was able , before his first major injury, to pick up the ball deep and run at defences.


    When Owen burst on the scene there was a lot of talk about his reliance on pace and that he would struggle if he lost it and that’s exactly what happened. He could never come to terms with the fact he wasn’t that 19/20/21 year old anymore.


    Shearer, on the other hand, modified his game and changed his style which prolonged his career.

  2. Might be worth tweeting a few bods/organisations/sponsors involved in the Rugby Union.


    Do they want their showpiece event to take place in a stadium so obviously neglected.


    Might embarrass the club a bit - on second thoughts they are pretty shameless.


  3. I'm sure we could flatten the current ground and get some clever architect to design a 60-65k stadium in the space left behind. Lower the pitch or build up at Gallowgate and Leazes end?? Purely hypothetical as it would cost a mint but if we had mega bucks owners they could transform the site into a state of the art facility whilst retaining the current historic and iconic location.

  4. A liability who won't be our first choice come May. Doesn't have the athleticism, confidence or physical presence to take a ball in a crowded box which is a problem in English football.


    His powder puff 'punch' near the end of the game was embarrassing and may have cost us another goal.


    A horrendous, career defining error seems likely at any time.

  5. There's doubts about Sissoko's commitment and consistency but when he is up for it he is a force nature breaking from our half with the ball.


    Considering we have, by accident rather than design, evolved into a counter attacking team I would see him as critical to our success this season.


    Certainly don't see Townsend as a replacement.

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