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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. ESPN Gamecast has this line-up:



                          Santon                  Cabaye                   

    Debuchy                                                          Taylor

                          Coloccini              Gouffran                       


    Perch                                                              Sissoko




    :yao: Americans


    Just using their Pardew random formation generator tbh.

  2. Let's face it Pardew ain't going anywhere.


    I think this is probably true but where will fat Ash draw the line, defeat at Villa? Chelsea? Tottenham?


    There's a really good chance we will be in the bottom three after the Spurs game.


    Bad times :(

  3. Worryingly, my attitude now is 'Anyone but Pardew' which means I'd even settle for a Hughes or a Kinnear.


    Pretty harsh putting those two in the same sentence


    Unfair on Kinnear?

  4. I know I'm probably overreacting here but those last ten minutes, the players looked like they didn't think they'd be playing for the same guy next week.


    I think he's gone.


    One can only hope, but..........

  5. Newcastle fans take far too much interest in the f***ing finances these days. Conditioned into it I guess, pathetically clutching to the club's profits as though they genuinely mean something to them. Get in! We saved money by outsourcing the catering! I'm going to float into work on Monday, brilliant. We have a better wage to turnover percentage than some other clubs above us in the league, happy days. YES!!!!!!!!


    As long as the club's not going to go under (and it's not - many thanks Mr Ashley, please let me suck you off for not losing yourself hundreds of millions of pounds), I couldn't give a flying f*** about anything but the football.


    These days? We've been obsessed with them for years. One of the sticks we used to beat Shepherd with was the state of the f***ing finances and how unsustainable it all was.


    The issue here isn't the finances. It's never the finances. If we're not playing well then our supporters will look for a reason and for some reason it always seems to come down to the money. Nowadays we're not spending enough of it and can't attract quality. A few years ago we were spending too much and had a team full of mercenaries as a result.


    We win and no one gives a f*** about the cash.


    :thup: :clap:


    We play so s*** these days, people are going nuts.

    Me included.


    I wish we had a manager with a clear/nice-to-watch football philosophy.

    I have no clue what Pardew really wants, seems to have no clue.

    Thats my big issue these days, more than any signings we are not making  :lol:



    True, whilst we are desperately short of reinforcements it costs nothing to set your team up competently and get some movement.

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