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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. Sporting Lisbon only 1pt off the relegation zone in Portugal, they must have some wildly erractic flair players we can take off their hands for peanuts. Probably not French though which might prove problematic.


    Nothing to see here.....move on.



  2. I feel a bit sorry for him really. Last year he could do no wrong and seemed like a bright young manager with a gameplan and fresh ideas.


    His ineptitude this season is making the fans turn against him.


    I blame Shola.

  3. I feel sorry for him in a way. When he was being used sparingly he was effective; looked fresh, strong and interested and was a real asset for 15-20 minutes. He'd started to win the fans over after all of these years.


    His ineptitude recently is making the fans turn on him again.


    I blame Pardew.

  4. Did he just say the players tried as hard as they possibly could???


    To be fair, what should he have said? The whole squad's confidence is shot. The last thing they need is criticism in public.


    A good manager takes the blame in public (even if its not his fault) and bollocks in private.


    Beyond Pardew though.

  5. If he admitted he made a mistake i'd like him much more. But he criticises everything but himself.


    Should be made to travel back to Newcastle on the train with the fans, just so he can be told a few home truths.

  6. To those who are saying (paraphrasing) "whats the point if we don't try and win every game" and "our best chance to win something is in the cups"....


    What would you prefer, to win the FA Cup but play in the Championship the following season, or not win the cup but stay in the Premier League?


    These games are not in isolation, it's not FIFA. Another inept, in fact shocking, performance does nothing to help our league plight. I'd wager the players are even more demoralised if that's possible.

  7. Even Strachan can see how f***ed it is.


    I'd take him as our manager right now. That's how desperate things are.


    Hmmm close one. At least he's a good laugh though.


    He's a miserable sour faced c***.


    Comes out with some class s**** jokes though no?


    As a manager he refuses to answer journalist's questions and has the same type of uncommunicative style as Dalglish.


    But his jokes?


    I'm watching on Portuguese TV so I've been spared that particular delight. I'll take your word for it though :)

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