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Posts posted by Novocastrian

  1. Still not cheating, there was conact, he reacted. Not cheating.


    If there was no contact and he dropped like he'd been hit with a bat, the yeah, that would be cheating.


    It is cheating like. It's exactly like feigning and injury or taking a dive. Just because there was contact, it doesnt mean Barton throwing himself to the ground isnt cheating. By your logic, if a player goes down after minimal contact, it's not taking a dive, it's not simulation.


    I think the difference is Gervinho cheated by purposely trying to get a penalty when he didn't deserve one. Barton on the other hand over exaggerated the situation to ensure that Gervinho got the red card he did deserve.


    Undeniably. Conning the ref has got absolutely f*** all to do with it - it's just so far away from the point it's untrue. Gervinho's actions, a million per cent, deserved a red card, whether Joey goes down or not.


    It brings up another question, too. If the ref had seen that it wasn't a foul (demonstrated by the play-on) - why wasn't the guy reprimanded for diving? All in all, it would have been a crazy injustice had Gervinho finished the match. Barton just made sure of it; well played lad.


    Conning the ref has everything to do with it. If Barton hadnt threw himself to the floor would Gervinho have been sent off? Debatable. Yes, Gervinho raised his hand, yes he deserved to go, but for me you cant deny Barton helped the ref make up his mind.


    I do Like Barton. He's a good player and integral part of the team for me. Think he gets too much stick for his comments at times but he cheated like, without a doubt.


    If he's helping the ref come to the correct decision I've absolutely no problem with it, in fact I'd probably encourage it. It's only if he was trying to con the ref into making the wrong decision that I'd take exception.


    Couldn't have put it better, i agree entirely.



    Zaius, if Barton's helping the ref come to the correct decision - how the hell is he 'conning' him? Dunno what planet you're on.


    Novocastrian, 'ruining the game' ffs. Players getting away with raising their hands to others' faces is more likely to bring the game into disrepute, like.


    Gervinho 'raised his hands' which is a sending off offence = he was sent off.


    Barton's histrionics contributed to Gervinho's sending off, he 'helped the referee make the correct decision'. I think Gervinho was so shocked to be grabbed by Barton that his first reaction was to confront him and try and strike him. If he had of dropped  to the floor himself and 'exaggerated' the movement Barton would have been sent off.


    Now, if you are happy with our players 'helping the referee' make decisions by gamesmanship, then fair enough. As long as you realise that other players will/have done the same to us. If you believe it is 'part and parcel' of the modern game and players should exploit any advantage, including getting opposition players sent off, then that is your prerogative.


    For me, the sight of grown men grabbing their face and falling over at the slightest touch is embarassing and it is cheating. Players diving and rolling around on the ground make the referees job harder and often ruin the spectacle of the game (although I admit the controversy generated by these incidents is strangely compelling).


    So, I stand by what I said, gamesmanship (cheating-lite for want of a better word), diving, feigning injury and grown men waving imaginary cards and trying to get fellow professionals sent off is ruining the game, in my opinion.  :dave:

  2. I'd rather have Joey Barton rolling around on the floor exaggerating the slap then have him still on his feet facing up to Gervinho.


    That's brilliant, but later on in the season it will be someone like Nani 'exaggerating' and getting Barton or Tiote sent off.


    Read my lips: It's ruining the game.

  3. Players faking injury, going down 'too easily', falling over as if the have been poleaxed and generally trying to con the ref are ruining the game.


    Doesn't matter if it's a Newcastle player are not; it's risible.


    Gervinho tried to cheat, Barton tried to con the ref, there's nothing to admire.

  4. PS. and in hindsight I'm sure clubs all around the country sound out possible replacements (on the quiet) before sacking managers.


    Not mongs who've done the sum total of f*** all when you're a premiership club.


    His appointment was no coincidence.


    Where did I say it was a coincidence? I didn't agree with the choice of manager, or the manner that he got the job at the time...


    But I don't get the blind hatred you're showing towards him, personally.


    And you didn't answer my earlier question... Are you going to hate every manager that this club has under this regime, because they are all going to be working under the same remit?


    Just asking, because it seems like a lot of hard work when you could just choose to get behind the manager instead.


    I hate Pardew and will continue to until he resigns when he's eventually broken by this regime.


    I'll also hate his replacement if I deem it appropriate.


    He's not worthy of the position he has and I've said that from day one.


    True, there has been no discernible improvement in the football at all from Hughton's team. Has he had any impact at all on the team? Does he influence transfer policy? I suspect he has little involvement (just my opinion.)


    All he has done is preside over a steady stream of sales as our most established players head out through the exit. He's not a manager, just a caretaker for the Ashley regime.


    Nolan's wages could have been better spent on keeping Carroll; a promising player with bags of potential.


    However, that would have robbed Ashley of the chance to rebuild the squad without putting a penny of his own money in.


    The whole thing demonstrates how utterly irrelevant Pardew's position as 'manager' has become.

  6. Should boot Barton out just for tweeting that TBH. The club make mistakes, but he's still employed by them and needs to act with a bit of class and respect.


    Nobody is bigger than NUFC.


    I never quite get used to how authoritarian you English are.





    Looking forward to checking Twitter later on after Barton's had a few scoops at the races. Should be quite instructive.



    Most of the 'fantasy' line-ups posted on here - featuring Zog, Gervinho etc - have not included Nolan.


    In this brave new age where 'every penny' of the Carroll £35m will be reinvested in the team it is difficult to envisage a role for him. Certainly if the club actually follows through with some of the  press speculation and signs players of the calibre already mentioned (I remain deeply sceptical) he could be a bit part player.


    He is looking after his career and wants a longer deal. The club are baulking at giving a longer deal for a player who may not have the longevity to remain effective into his 30s.


    I personally thank him for staying during the relegation season and fighting to take us back into the top tier. No-one can be really sure of the effect he has on team spirit and I suppose time will tell if he really was the glue holding the whole thing together.

  8. We only offered him the contract, what, about a week ago? Give him time to mull it over, can't just expect an instant decision.


    You think a week is an instant decision? Its simple really, does he want to stay or not. Pretty easy really.


    A week is nothing. Not sure why people expect these things to go through this quickly. It's the same with some of our transfer targets, people saying 'move on' if we haven't signed someone within a couple of weeks of being linked to them.


    EDIT: Very naive if you believe it's 'pretty easy'.


    Its a decision over 6 months or more, even more naive to think its only dawned on him the past 7 days.


    How can he decide on something he was offered maybe a week ago, six months ago? He may not have been sure what he wanted to do, decided to see what was put on the table and then go from there. Like Dave said, there's also other factors like waiting to see who we sign too.


    I know most footballers think the world revolves around them but it's not all about him. He must realise the club need, if not an answer, at least some indication of his intentions. We do, after all, need to plan for life after him.



    It's obvious we have learned absolutely nothing in the last few years. The clue is in the possession of the actual ball and passing it directly to a teamate; preferably someone in the same postal area.


    As previous posters have mentioned.


    George Reilly

    Tony Cunningham

    Frank Pingel

    Billy Whitehurst


    but for sheer ineffectiveness I give you John Robertson. The prolific Hearts striker signed for big money as Beardsley's replacement.


    12 appearance 0 goals and back to Hearts within a very short time.


    Didn't expect much from journeymen like Whitehurst etc but Robertson arrived with a big reputation and was a huge flop.


    He didn't seem to be enjoying his football with us; constantly snarling and looking sullen.


    He seems to have a smile on his face now and it's obvious he has worked hard to get back on top.


    Can't understand the enmity towards him, yes he was shit for us but I'd prefer him to get a medal than some whinging Arsenal twat like Wilshere.




    3-2 defeat at home to Spurs.


    Beardsley scored two pens and Chris Waddle was barracked by the home fans as it was, by then, pretty obvious he was going to be a Spurs player the following season.



    Stupid question really, Newcastle aren't likely to play England any time soon so there is no need for split loyalties as there is no conflict of interest.


    Some of my happiest memories as a football fan have been watching England in major tournaments.


    I've been to both the old Wembley and New Wembley to watch England and yes annoying Cockney Wankers are over represented but it doesn't put me off England, just makes me less likely to pay to watch a pointless friendly.


    The cult of the Premier League and Champions League have reduced interest in international football, and the domestic cup competitions, and I think this is a real shame.


    However, watching England fighting valiantly and then going out of a competition by the thinnest of margins (Italia 90, Euro 96) is easier than stomaching the gutless surrenders of Sven's and Capello's teams.



  14. Its all about how the money is spend now though (if it is all used on transfers, which I highly doubt). If we go out and buy 4 or 5 good players with it then it might turn out to be a good deal. Imagine the money getting wasted the way Souness used all that money in 2005? Does anyone have confidence in Pardew to spend the money properly? Hughton I would have been after the success in his signings as manager. Its pissed me off though because regardless of who he plays for, he is easily my favourite striker around. Just like when Shearer was at Blackburn, I f***ing loved his game, and the same goes for Carroll, and we actually had him at such an age as well. He's a monster of a player.


    It's obvious that Pardew has little say in transfer comings and goings. I think Pardew is the first 'non-manager' we have ever had. The players seem to be managing themselves and he is just a figurehead to be wheeled out at press conferences. Just as Fat Mike wants it.


    Pardew is just part of Mike's entourage, he doesn't have any gravitas, credibility or say in anything that goes on.


    Scary really.

  15. It's clear Ashley wanted: the money from the transfer > Andy Carroll.


    He just could have offered Andy Carroll an improved contract and he still would have been here.


    So was Carroll bigger than club then?


    And if they had given in to Carroll it is tantamount to giving every player in the squad an invitation to rush in and demand to renegotiate their contract.

    Just for the young players that establish themselves as key players for the team and a top player in the division.


    Could Ashly have done everything to keep Carrol? Yes. He could have paid him 200k a week, purchased him 15 houses in the bahamas, and a years supply of strippers, but that isnt the point is it?


    Its a management nightmare if you give in. Carrol isnt that special that he can demand an increase after a few months. Holy crap that is so presumptous. He had ample time to negotiate a 5 year contract.


    It's all about priorities, most Newcastle fans would say Carroll was worth more than 30,000 a week (in a footballing context, yes I know it is astronomical for most people) and most football fans in general would probably think that was quite a low basic wage for an England international with bags of potential.


    I'm sure Carroll would rather play for Newcastle than Liverpool and if Liverpool were offering 80,000 would he have accepted 60,000-70,000 at NUFC? Yes he was happy to sign a contract a few months ago but things change. Looks like he was using other club's interest to leverage a new deal.


    Would Ben Arfa, Nolan and Barton be knocking on Fat Ash's door demanding to upgrade their own deals? Possibly, we then need to work out who is worth the money and who is not. Those who we deem not worth the added investment can look elsewhere if a club is willing to pay them.


    I'll say one thing though, I know Carroll was worth the investment to this club but Fat Ash was not interested and we have now lost a real gem.

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