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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Hate Pardew so will enjoy it if he fails to win BUT would prefer the Mackems to lose, for us to have a chance of staying in the league I think we need to finish above them

  2. Regardless of whether Sunderland actually knew, the logical and sensible thing to do would have been to suspend him due the seriousness of the arrest/charge BUT they were struggling in the league, beating relegation was their priority and they put everything else secondary. If they were safe and in mid-table there is no way they would have played him

  3. Is this the end of his professional career then? Have there been any instances of convicted paedos returning to the game?


    Just had a terrifying thought that he could end up here if he's let off lightly and this all eventually blows over (especially if we're in the Championship). Ashley might see it as another (former) fringe England international available for peanuts (don't imagine he'll be able to demand much in wages if he does return to the game). Not like SD or Wonga aren't used to negative publicity.


    There is not a lot this club would do that wouldn't surprise me BUT regardless of sentence there is not a chance Ashley would go for Adam Johnson

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