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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Yep, you dislike him and said he was average when he clearly wasn't. Keep up the unbiased work.

    That's you're opinion, I thought he was average, considering how much of the ball he got I expected more

  2. I thought he was average


    Don't let your bias and dislike of the player ever cloud your judgement eh, you just stick to your guns captain stubborn.

    Aye, that's what it is


    I don't rate him, just like I don't rate many players BUT will give credit to them if I think they played well


    I just thought it was an average performance, lots of running into defenders and losing the ball, yes he is miles better than Obertan BUT that shouldn't be the benchmark

  3. The real reason why I disliked AP was because he came in at NUFC and immediately started telling the fans that our expectations of challenging the top 6 was unrealistic and that we should be content with a side that just about managed to finish lower mid table and that any draw or win against a top ten side was a bonus.


    He basically dumbed down expectations and, when we occasionally exceeded those expectations, because the players were in fact perfectly capable of challenging the top 6 teams, despite what AP led the media to believe, he took all the plaudits which made him look like a good manager, when in fact any half decent manager could have produced the same or better results with the same players.


    But what I really disliked about him was his tendency to absolve himself of all blame where results were not going our way,  and to select the flair players or youngsters ( Ben Arfa, Mehdhi Abeid ring a bell anyone) as the reason for the teams failings, rather than his long ball tactics.  The man is all talk nothing more.


    I would love it if he got the England job so everyone could see what a fraud he really is.




    Remember how he blamed Armstrong, when we got beat by Manchester United ?


    No it was Abeid who he blamed for passing the ball to Krul in the area, who then miskicked it straight to Rooney who scored the only goal in the 93rd minute.  Can't go blaming an international goalkeeper who is your number one choice.  Lets blame the youngster who had a cracking game in midfield against some top players, but who then made the mistake of thinking he could rely on our goalkeeper to clear our lines.


    Carver was in charge when Abeid made that mistake, it was at the end of December when Armstrong started away to Man-U when Pardew was in charge

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