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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Still yet to see these 20 better PL NUFC players than Robert from HTT.


    I would struggle for 10 that where better for us. 15 at a massive push. 20 is ridiculous.


    There is no way he can name 20 better players

  2. Big fan of Mbemba BUT that goal is fully his fault, got the pass badly wrong, should have passed it onto Elliot's right foot rather than his left which is what I think he was trying to do

  3. Nah, we still would have focused on him because he is shit, you always look at the crap players as that is an obvious way to improve just as Danny Simpson was shit


    He will stand out even more now because Shelvey will be everything this guy wishes he was

  4. His game is impressive and long term I can easily see him scoring 15-20 goals a season BUT at the moment the goals are not quite happening, still it's good that he is at least having chances and the goals will eventually come.


    We still need to sign another striker because an injury to him would be horrific as he is crucial to how we play

  5. I'm not surprised he has hung his keeper out to dry, his entire game plan relies on getting the first goal and his keeper spoilt that


    I'm loving this, suddenly those that were asking me earlier if I was missing him are silent, divvies


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