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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Has always been crap, got worse after the injuries and bizarrely started games in central midfield


    Nice guy off the field BUT won't be missed

  2. Wouldn't surprise me if he gets the job full time BUT only a couple of days after Ashley pretended on national tv would be canny ridiculous like

  3. He's not a good footballer at all. Strong, quick and gets into decent positions scoring wise but other than that he's ordinary. Says a lot about he standard of the league for me.


    Dude he's been coached by Pardew and carver.  There's no telling what he's capable of.


    He's looked out of place for France in their squad.

    That's simply not true

  4. Nobody will fall for his s****, surely.


    If he had any intention of really investing and actually trying to compete he'd go out there and find a quality young manager from the continent who plays good football and hand them a rapeload of money to build a team.


    But he'll appoint Carver or McClaren.


    They will and they have, already had people at work say "looking forward to the summer to see what he does" - numpties

  5. So you have went from saying he isn't very good to he is mediocre


    The truth is somewhere in between actually

    What's the scale though? s**** / Poor / Mediocre / OK / Good / Very Good / Excellent / World Class


    No idea, you are throwing the labels around, I watch Marveaux play and I certainly don't see a mediocre player

  6. I'm convinced we will be ok, I'm also hoping we stay him as I see too many negatives from going down


    What positives are there to staying up?


    I didn't say any positives, just less negatives If we stay up. Those who think Ashley is going to sell up if we go down are fooling themselves.


    I don't think anyone reckons he will definitely sell up BUT that it is more likely he will do so and staying in the Premier League is canny shit as it is so relegation is worth it

  7. We'll lose today and stay up because Hull lose too. Carver will be delighted, say "job done" and tell all the media once again after the match that he wants to job more than anything


    He will be the "saviour"  :icon_puke_r:


    Some other dinosaur will offer him a coaching job, he might even blag his way into a managers job lower down tbh. Never underestimate the benefits inherent in being on the Brit coaching merry go round.


    But aye, hopefully alcohol poisoning somewhere will be his next move.


    Way over the top. :lol: He's a crap footballer but I wish him well when he leaves as it's not his fault he's getting games and he seems to be a decent person.

    Don't want him to die like, even though I don't buy this decent bloke stuff, I think he's proven the last few months he's an absolute c*** personally.

    Hasn't done anything apart from being a bad footballer has he?

    Talking about Carver isn't he?

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