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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Derby will be kicking themselves, could have had a compen a few weeks ago and now they have to pay up McClaren's contract.

    Still got this horrible feeling no matter what division we end up it will be Charver


    compensation from who?

  2. The thing that Sports Direct has going for it is people don't think there are any alternatives, the amount of times I hear people saying "no where else to buy cheap football socks" etc so negative publicity doesn't have the same impact on Sports Direct

  3. Steve McClaren would be a crap appointment BUT typical of Ashley


    He is clearly better than Carver BUT so is a blind monkey, doesn't mean we should be happy with that

  4. Do you think we'd have more points if he was in the team?


    Definitely, he's the type of player we have needed in this slump - someone who can make something out of nothing.

    I just fail to understand why he is loved on here when in reality compared to others, he has contributed very little and made an arse out of his own career.


    There is no doubt he's a talented footballer.


    Because the way he plays is highly likely why most of us fell in love with football and the kind of football we dreamed about


    Unless of course you dreamt about Gouffran running 15 yards and then passing the ball 10 yards to Colback?


    I can totally understand that and as I have said, I loved his moments of magic.

    But the reality is, a lot of the time he did not show up.


    Sterling has been hammered on here recently for not showing up certain games, similar player, similar attitude.

    That isn't the reality though, it's something you're just saying to suit your agenda whilst ignoring the mitigating factors behind why his form may have been up and down.


    Sterling is a good point, although I don't think he's capable of anything close to the ridiculous things Ben Arfa could pull off. We're football fans, we'll make stupid, hypocritical comments about other players from other teams, you could look hard enough and you'd find people slagging off Eden Hazard and Diego Costa for not turning up, actually scratch that, you could click on the Messi thread and see people saying the same things about Christiano Ronaldo :lol:


    It is reality though, HBA has been passed from team to team for a reason - some of which the public will probably never know.

    All I am saying is a player of his quality has the potential to be playing for a top team, but he isn't. There are clear reasons why on the field and apparently reasons off it too.


    I'd rather have him in our team, but he isn't.

    I'd rather watch him than Ameobi trying to mount the back of somebody, but I can't.


    If we live in the past we just all become bitter and twisted.

    The way I view HBA (which may be different to yours) is a quality player who for one reason or another never met his potential.


    Our current players are getting hammered for "not giving their all", HBA frequently didn't give his all.


    That's bullshit


    HBA always wanted the ball and always tried things, it didn't always work BUT it was certainly more successful and exciting than the utter dross that was played instead of him

  5. Do you think we'd have more points if he was in the team?


    Definitely, he's the type of player we have needed in this slump - someone who can make something out of nothing.

    I just fail to understand why he is loved on here when in reality compared to others, he has contributed very little and made an arse out of his own career.


    There is no doubt he's a talented footballer.


    Because the way he plays is highly likely why most of us fell in love with football and the kind of football we dreamed about


    Unless of course you dreamt about Gouffran running 15 yards and then passing the ball 10 yards to Colback?

  6. Chances have taken a serious dent?!!  Are you f***ing mental?


    A f***ing dent!!!!!





    I sometimes wonder if people have missed the fact he's lost nearly every game horribly.


    I desperately want to stop supporting this club/team.


    Yep, that is probably the one positive of Carver getting the job on a permanent basis, it will probably take me to the don't give a crap anymore stage

  7. Whilst Pardew is no Mourinho, it must be pretty clear now, to anyone with an open mind, that he's nowhere near as useless as the SackPardew brigade were saying. All this bluster about how it won't last is just covering up the realisation that hounding him out of his job was a mistake.


    Nah, replacing him with someone employed to pick up cones was the mistake.

    :lol: I kna. It would be like Lewis Hamilton complaining about his tyres wearing and his fitters throwing a hissy fit and being like "Well let's see how you get on with NO TYRES! I bet you feel silly now!"




    This is actually a great analogy.


    It is :lol:


    It's class, used a few times already against Pardew lovers

  8. If he was still here, he'd have stopped putting in any effort by Christmas and you know it!


    So like the rest of the team, aye?


    Pretty much. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if he was still here, it would make literally no difference to our league position.


    You honestly don't think he could have won us a game in this wretched run we have?

  9. No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




    Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


    We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


    Are you even following the discussion at all?


    De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


    Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it


    So because Rodgers jumps off a tall building, Sterling should too?


    Whose reputation is going to suffer more? Who is going to have to deal with all of the fallout from this?


    The boy is incredibly stupid IMO.


    Mint logic that


    Rodgers comments caused problems for Sterling and he felt he had to defend his point and highlight it wasn't about the money, whether he went the best way about it doesn't matter

  10. No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




    Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


    We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


    Are you even following the discussion at all?


    De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


    Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it

  11. I certainly don't think it's an outrageous suggestion, citing Mourinho and Van Gaal is not valid as they are very good and operate at the top end of the table


    It's more the reactions at the lower end of the table, compare the reactions the likes of Magath and Pepe Mel got to the reactions towards Pardew, Carver, Lambert etc



    but they are foreign, and the accusation is that we are xenephobic, so if thats the case, how does their success come into it? Magath got the reputation based on foreign media "legend" stories, Im not sure where Pepe Mel was insulted, I always thought he was respected.

    Because success makes you immune from the criticism, it's when things are not going well that the digs from "pundits" follow and articles calling for them to be sacked are more commonplace BUT as we saw Pardew despite being shit was immune to that and Carver has by and large been immune to that, can only think of Keown having a go at him and that was probably him just wanting to support a fellow defender getting called out by Carver

  12. If I'm not mistaken it was Rodgers that first highlighted the contract talks where he basically said we have offered him loads of money, it was his way of putting pressure on Sterling and almost force him to sign BUT that didn't happen, we then got Sterling defending his position as everyone thought he was being greedy. It coming out in public is very much Rodgers doing, there wasn't any need for him to say anything and it could have been left until the end of the season


    As for Sterling wanting to leave, if it's because he wants to consistently challenge for titles then that is fair enough. Liverpool are not going to seriously challenge year after year


    He doesn't owe Liverpool anything, they took him from QPR with the lure of money and playing for a "better" club and Liverpool certainly can't complain if he moves on for the same reason

  13. I certainly don't think it's an outrageous suggestion, citing Mourinho and Van Gaal is not valid as they are very good and operate at the top end of the table


    It's more the reactions at the lower end of the table, compare the reactions the likes of Magath and Pepe Mel got to the reactions towards Pardew, Carver, Lambert etc

  14. The statement for when they confirm him as manager is going to be so predictable, it will mention passion, geordie (one of us), difficult circumstances (injuries/suspensions) and stability.

  15. Ronaldo hat trick. Messi's far better. :yao:

    Shame the hat-trick hasn't contributed to a title, 1 in 6 years is canny rubbish like


    Hardly Ronaldo's fault. :lol: He's scored 222 league goals in that period. :lol:

    And Messi has scored 229 having spent half a season injured.


    Messi has played more games in that period. Ronaldo's strike rate is better in La Liga since he arrived. Barcelona have had a massively superior team basically that entire time too. :lol: Again, I'm not saying Ronaldo is better, I'm saying to say Messi is far better is retarded.

    Okay BUT you accept Messi is better, just not far better?

  16. Ronaldo hat trick. Messi's far better. :yao:

    Shame the hat-trick hasn't contributed to a title, 1 in 6 years is canny rubbish like


    Hardly Ronaldo's fault. :lol: He's scored 222 league goals in that period. :lol:

    Messi scored more and won things, hence he is better

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