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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Why do neutrals want us relegated? I haven't come across that view.


    A few people I know have mentioned it, mainly because they think Ashley is a prick and his decisions are stupid therefore they want us relegated


    I suppose it's similar to how I guess most people wanted Blackburn to get relegated because of their idiot owners, Cardiff too

  2. He was on the radio again this morning and all he talked about was him and everything he'd done to get the draw, I hate him as passionately as I hated Pardew.


    Nah, Pardew actually destroyed the club. For all Carver's faults he didn't force out the likes of Ben Arfa and co.

    Given time he will, Ryan Taylor over Abeid is evidence of that

  3. If we survive then no doubt he will be giving it large and boasting about survival BUT conveniently ignoring we only got into a relegation battle because he has shit for brains

  4. We'd do well to take a punt on him but we won't. I'm sure we're busy scouting the new Riviere.


    Really don't think Austin is that special in all honesty.

    Good finisher, his all round game is nothing special - Ings is the better player

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