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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. But he isn't as good. Nowhere near.

    I've just explained what I meant man. I didn't say he was as good overall.



    Yeah I get exactly what you mean. Even in terms of talent and the things he can pull off he isn't as good.  We'll agree to disagree.


    Let's get back to the matter at hand.


    Pardew - Dog Nonce

    Charnley - Gregg Wallace megacunt

    Ashley - Fat slug




    In terms of the heights they reached in preposterousness, there's no way Beardsley scores either the Bolton or Blackburn goals. Whereas HBA definitely scores the Spurs, Villa, Palace, QPR goals. I genuinely think it's down to consistency and the environment they're in because I think they're both on the same level in terms of talent and the things that they're capable of.


    Is this the Bolton goal where he ran in a straight line and all the Bolton players ran away from him


    What about beardsleys goal against Brighton last game of season in 83 or the hatrick against the mackems or the goals against Carlisle and Man City in 83 or the goals he rattled in for both Liverpool and everton


    The goal at WHL second time around or the goal at boundary park


    Ben Arfa doesn't even have a 1/4 of Pedro's ability or vision or dedication or work rate. People on here need to get a grip he's got ability but he's a selfish ball greedy f***er who isn't interested unless he's got the ball



    So you much prefer to see Gouffran do sideways passes and Obertan run to the full back and then STOP rather than Ben Arfa?

  2. Match of the Day ‏@BBCMOTD  2m

    MOTD at 10.20pm: 1.Everton/Chelsea, 2.ManC/Stoke, 3.Newcastle/Palace, 4.Swansea/WBA, 5.WestHam/Saints, 6.Burnley/ManU, 7.QPR/Sunderland.


    City Stoke before ours :lol:


    And it is Game Of The Day on Sky Sports

  3. Whenever I watched them last season, Colback was always far superior to Cattermole


    Cattermole would mostly be shite apart from when he played us and Pardew did his usual arse dropping tactics and Cattermole was given acres of space and played well as a result

  4. I just looked at the players with the most red cards in the Premier League.  Everyone else on the list is either retired or in their 30s.  Cattermole is one away from the record (held by Vieira, Big Dunc and Dunne), and equal with Roy Keane.  He's what, 25 or 26?  That's a huge reason not to put him in your squad


    That and he is a shit footballer

  5. Cattermole's performance against MU last weekend was a pretty good demonstration of how good a defensive midfielder he can be. Better than anything I've seen from Tiote over 90 minutes.


    Lol, I take it you forgot how Tiote beasted Man-U in the 3-0?

  6. This is what happens when you leave the mackems.

    This is true.


    Bent was averaging about 1 in 2 for us and barely got a look in til he moved to Villa.


    Based on form alone Cattermole is ahead of Colback at the minute.


    I don't think Colback is anything special BUT he absolutely pisses all over Cattermole as footballer, not even close


    The day someone of the calibre of Cattermole gets picked for England is the day the country should just retire from international football

  7. Sissoko is weak technically, that has been evident from day one BUT he still offers us plenty, the driving runs he makes are important, just need to get the rest of the side to move with him and his weak technique probably won't stand out as much

  8. Don't think he is as bad as some are saying, he has some decent hold up play, looks fairly quick and strong BUT he has been massively isolated, he is not the kind of player that can create things out of nothing, he needs others around him rather than the vast spaces we currently have

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