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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I'm not a big advocate of stats before using your gut, but that link quite clearly shows that he got 6 assists last season, created 77 chances and so on if you look at the key. It's there for a reason. If you think Sissoko's s***, fair enough, but the stats are there to read into yourself.


    A s I said before lies, damn lies and statistics which can be twisted and presented in many ways - I know he didn't create 77 goal scoring chances last season that's for sure.


    Well, you don't. Nor do I. If you actually looked at that list, you'd see that it showed more than just '77 created chances' as in the 6 assists that he had.



    So it's 83 now lol - I totally give up - you keep believing that and see this season when all those chances take us to the Champions League cos with stats like that he should be playing for a team in the Champions League.


    ....What? The assist are part of the 77 chances man. :lol: Do you know how stats work?


    You said more than just 77 chances as in the 6 assists he had - so if you mention he had more and then quoted 6 assists then that makes 83 - maybe if you said included within those 77 chances were 6 assists I would of understood you better. As I said lies, damn lies and statistics, I know what I saw on the pitch last season. Pointless arguing lets just see how many goal chances and goals he scores this season. He is not a rubbish player but he certainly is'nt anything great either like some on here think.

    I think you need to read the post again, it's not suggesting 77 + 6 assists, rather it's saying there were 6 assists within the 77 chances so they were not just chances BUT resulted in goals hence the "more than just"


  2. I like him, if he had raker technique then he would be Yaya Toure BUT he doesn't nor can we afford a Yaya


    His pace and power drives the team forward, would certainly keep him in the middle and think with an extended run there he will be class


    Toure is more than about technique, if Sissoko had technique he still wouldn't be anywhere near the level of Toure. As for driving the team forward... to what purpose? That's like saying Shola was a physical presence up front. It means f*** all unless something comes of it and for us Sissoko driving forward often results in sweet FA just as Shola putting his weight about often did. Honestly he's a nothing player.

    No its not man, Shola was awful with no redeeming qualities


    Sissoko does drive the team forward, to the extent it puts the opposition on the back foot and he creates a gap between midfield and defence, something that nobody else in the team offers


    We just need to surround him with players that are more creative and have movement


  3. I like him, if he had raker technique then he would be Yaya Toure BUT he doesn't nor can we afford a Yaya


    His pace and power drives the team forward, would certainly keep him in the middle and think with an extended run there he will be class

  4. Small cameos for the next 2 years, then disappear down the leagues is what will happen


    Our record of developing young players is awful, moreso under Pardew where they are suddenly cast aside (Bigirimana) or stick around the squad without getting decent game time (Campbell)


    Aarons should be playing regular football rather than a few minutes for our team, especially since more often than not he will be brought on when we are losing

  5. Am I right in thinking we had Cabaye for this entire season?




    Just checking. I thought we did.


    We got relegated just 3 years before this, what more do you want?



    It was a dig at some Pardew apologist saying we have done well with our league finishes because we got relegated 5 years ago

  6. I blame them both to be honest. Deeply gutted he isnt playing, but if all it requires is for him to be fit, and work for the team, why isnt he doing it?not trying to be a WUM, but honest question (devils advocate)


    Because that's not all it takes as evidenced by Marveaux who was in shape BUT was cast aside


    The problem is Ben Arfa plays a style of football Pardew is not comfortable or capable of playing, it requires Pardew to change his philosophy/attitude not Ben Arfa


    Credit to Ben Arfa he even played as a secondary right back BUT he was still kicked out of the team and in a way blamed for our awful defending, which was just a way for Pardew to mask his own clear coaching inadequacies

  7. Entertaining football? Aye, right


    The moment he tries something a little different, if it fails he drops his arse and goes back to the turgid, negative football he knows best (though he fails at that cos we still get our arses handed to us)



  8. Just read this in Alex Ferguson's book



    In stark contrast to Pardew, will defend and big up the players that lick his hoop BUT those that go against his turgid, direct football get blasted in public and blamed for his own failures, which makes him the lowest of the low

  9. Tbh, I think much of the defending of HBA is to do with his figure as someone who is clearly against Pardew as we are. He's become a symbol against Pardew and the club. Hence his name being sang at matches and the Che Ben Arfa banner. He's a cause celebre amongst the support.


    Which I guess explains why he's practically immune to criticism on here. Folk twisting every story that comes out so that Ben Arfa is the hero, the man with morals, the one with the guts to stand up to Pardew because it fits the rationale that Pardew is a f***ing moron. I suspect though that Ben Arfa played more of a part in his downfall than some like to admit, not on the pitch, but off it, especially if his track record/tittle tattle 'gossip' is to be considered.


    I think it's because people want to see Ben Arfa in the team BUT that goes against the cowardice philosophy Pardew has


    I have no issues seeing Ben Arfa get tackled 5 times because you know on the 6th attempt he will score a Bolton like goal or destroy some left back


    The alternative is watching the likes of Gouffran, who don't lose the ball BUT that's because they run towards the opposition players, stop and then pass it back or sideways. That is not football for me, that's turgid and is not what we remember growing up, I won't remember the safe play of Gouffran BUT I certainly will never forget Ben Arfa taking players on and scoring goals


    f*** Pardew and f*** negative football


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