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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Anyhow I like Sissoko, he is far from perfect BUT offers us things nobody else does, a better manager and players with good movement around him would ensure we can get the best out of him

  2. I'm not a big advocate of stats before using your gut, but that link quite clearly shows that he got 6 assists last season, created 77 chances and so on if you look at the key. It's there for a reason. If you think Sissoko's s***, fair enough, but the stats are there to read into yourself.


    A s I said before lies, damn lies and statistics which can be twisted and presented in many ways - I know he didn't create 77 goal scoring chances last season that's for sure.


    Well, you don't. Nor do I. If you actually looked at that list, you'd see that it showed more than just '77 created chances' as in the 6 assists that he had.



    So it's 83 now lol - I totally give up - you keep believing that and see this season when all those chances take us to the Champions League cos with stats like that he should be playing for a team in the Champions League.


    ....What? The assist are part of the 77 chances man. :lol: Do you know how stats work?


    You said more than just 77 chances as in the 6 assists he had - so if you mention he had more and then quoted 6 assists then that makes 83 - maybe if you said included within those 77 chances were 6 assists I would of understood you better. As I said lies, damn lies and statistics, I know what I saw on the pitch last season. Pointless arguing lets just see how many goal chances and goals he scores this season. He is not a rubbish player but he certainly is'nt anything great either like some on here think.

    I think you need to read the post again, it's not suggesting 77 + 6 assists, rather it's saying there were 6 assists within the 77 chances so they were not just chances BUT resulted in goals hence the "more"


    Proper English would be 77 chances, which also included 6 assists - so no I don't need to read it again.

    I understood it so I think his use of English was fine

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