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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. She should know? :lol: Call me naive like, but she's a football reporter, not a religious analyst.


    I know they couldn't/don't drink it, but I didn't know he couldn't even hold it.


    Don't really blame her


    Yaya Toure during a presentation mentioned he doesn't drink BUT he just passed it onto Lescott

  2. Alcohol is forbidden at all times. It is forbidden to consume Alcohol, make it, sell it etc etc


    So those Muslims that own off licences, they are going against the teachings of Islam (Just to clarify in case I get accused of being a fundamentalist, each person is entitled to do what they want, be that drink it or sell it)

  3. Depending on when he chose to fast, he may not be fasting on saturday as friday would have been the last day (being a muslim myself, I think his last fast of ramadan would have been on friday).


    I don't think that is the case, it is not Eid today for any mosque that I know of, especially in Newcastle so today is still a fast BUT Ba doesn't fast on match days in anyway

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