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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I still have secret hopes that we sell Ba and replace him with someone more "technical" in terms of linkup play/creativity/dribbling/running down the flanks/etc. Just don't like him as a first team player, despite the goals and occasional moments of suprising quality. Bit like Kevin Nolan maybe.


    lol, what?


    Nolan got himself in great positions BUT offered nowt else, was a passenger.


    Ba is completely different and is very much involved in the game since he has footballing ability unlike Nolan

  2. They have to go through this whole debate about once a week, don't they?



    That thread is class, only got to page 3 and this gem stood out


    last season it could have gone either way as the squads were fairly evenly matched, and so it proved.


    Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=731437&page=3#ixzz2780ykl6v


    Aye a 20 point gap at the end of the season proved our squads were evenly matched


    :mackems: :mackems:

  3. Greater ignorance/less understanding. Not an excuse but a reason why it was more predominant. For racism to happen now is simply inexcusable and anyone doing it in a perfect world would be given a swift smack around the back of the head.


    It amazes me that some could cheer on or 'worship' players like Cisse, Ba, Tiote etc.. yet still call players black c***s etc.. Reminds me of the Mackems abusing Bent's mum. Being racist should be the ultimate embarrassment but ignorance really does conquer all with some.


    This I find the most baffling, the same people that would worship our own black players would not think twice about abusing an opposition player


    Fortunately society and football crowds have by and large moved on. We still have a minority of pricks BUT they will always exist

  4. Got to admit, before Cisse was snapped using one, I'd never even heard of a shisha drug, let alone smoked one off.


    There's a pic?? :lol:



  5. Nah.


    I must have imagined my grandparents and relatives calling it hookah (huqqah) then . . . .


    Meh, fair enough. Every Pakistani and Indian person I know calls it shisha, all my Arab friends call it shisha, and everyone in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria (the places I've lived in) call it shisha. In my experience it's only the Americanized Arabs (the ones who grew up in the States) who say "hookah" and they get ridiculed in much the same way as an American would calling football "soccer"...


    Pedantry aside, I put milk in my...hookah (just sounds wrong man :lol:) makes for a thicker and smoother smoke.


    I and everyone I know here calls it shisha BUT whenever I go back home I say huqqah because that is what they know it as


    Maybe it wouldn't hurt if he spent less time smoking hookah's (equivalent to about 200 fags in a session!)


    "Hookah" :lol: it's a shisha and that 200 fag thing is a complete myth; the smoke gets filtered through water so, while it's not exactly good for you, it's nowhere near the equivalent of 200 cigarettes in one session.



    hookah and sheesha are the same thing, just depends where in the world you're from


    Grew up in the middle-east and no-one calls it hookah man. Not even Indian people (they came up with the word), everyone just says shisha.


    They call it hookah in the subcontinent

  7. definitely a top class keeper.  the more I watch Valdes screw up for Barca makes me worried that they could be interested, can't see him going to any other English clubs..


    No chance Barca will ditch Valdes for Krul, love Timmy BUT his passing isn't a patch on Valdes, which is a big part of why Barca haven't ditched him

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