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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Arsenal paid £100m for a player that finished 14th and they are going to win the league or get very close to it, how did that work?
  2. Had a quick glance and they are unhinged When it was announced he was charged they were buzzing but too thick to realise the likely outcome would be a suspended ban or a backdated one Apparently they reckon Toney should be raging, even though he bet on more games and his overall punishment was less than Tonali
  3. Common sense has prevailed Hopefully he plays like a man that owes us
  4. Massively disagree with the suggestions he should be loaned out He's played a lot of football for his age and he's still a kid, think this season with hopefully a more available squad we can be selective with when he plays and how often 18 is still no age and he doesn't need to be playing 3000+ minutes, anything around the 1000 minute mark would be valuable
  5. I know the information was very vague but joeyt has mentioned him It was Esteban Cardona Lopez, incredible name but sadly did nowt
  6. We used to have some kid in the youth teams who had a wonderful name but can't for the life of me remember it, obviously he didn't make it, any remember it?
  7. Could be memory playing tricks but I'm sure he used to come alive after Jan and end the season in good form
  8. I think it would annoy me as they shouldn't be there so I'm in the anyone but PSG camp
  9. Once Mbappe joins they'll have a lot of quality players combined with that unexplainable way they manage to grind out results despite playing shite Can see them winning quite a few CL's
  10. Juve were banned when they were set to finish in a CL spot, they however got a domestic points deduction which meant they fell into a Europa Conference League spot and unsurprisingly they happily accepted their punishment of being banned from Europe for a year
  11. I'd love for PIF to be incredibly petty about it and not buy from Man U but I just don't see that happening They still want to attract big names to their league and despite being past their best Casemiro and Varane are big names
  12. Souness too Barca would probably be Cruyff, Pep, Xavi, Rijkaard and Koeman. On the bench you could have Luis Enrique.
  13. Haaland back with a bang Forest have been good today but not clinical enough
  14. Forest been the better side Reckon they get something from this game, City have been terrible
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