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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 29 PL goals for us, level with Demba Ba


    Perez is ahead of him on 33 and in 10th place 


    By the end of next season only Shearer should be ahead of him

  2. 14 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    I don't understand on what grounds he even has to take this to court ?

    He isn't taking it to court, this is arbitration


    If we don't want to we can refuse to engage in the process and at that stage he can take the matter to court but it is likely to be a drawn out process I'm not sure it's worth it


    His best bet is to get on the phone to ratty and convince him to stop undervaluing him and up his offer 

  3. 4 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    On the face of it, it’s sounds like a good thing ?


    Makes no difference at all


    The squad cost rules will limit us anyway, we won't get remotely close to being able to spend 5 times the lowest revenue


    In time when our revenue grows then it might be a factor but it would then limit us


    So no difference at the moment and perhaps a slight hindrance in the future


    Now if they ditched PSR/FFP and simply implemented a 5 times revenue cap then we'd be cooking

  4. I don't understand why people are keen on dismissing what Ashworth does


    Slagging him off for not being loyal etc is one thing but saying you don't know what he does or he's done nothing is absurd 


    We didn't pay to get him just for a laugh and Man U don't want him just for a laugh either


    Now, Man U are absolutely taking the piss thinking they can get him on the cheap and we should absolutely push back on that but he's clearly good at what he does


    Having said that, there's no doubt others that can do a good job so hopefully we can get a good replacement sorted asap

  5. Jackson has good movement and is quick but his finishing is terrible and his decision making is poor too, trying to go for near post when an easy pass was on was criminal 


    Usually strikers that become a bit of a joke figure due to their finishing struggle to turn things around so will be interesting to see if he can do that

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