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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 5 minutes ago, LiquidAK said:

    Can anyone link me to the #content of Gordon using Serena's camera? Heard it mentioned a few places but struggling to find anything 


    At 1 min

  2. 5 minutes ago, Chicken Dancer said:

    Forever indebted to this bloke. Not only did he sort of initiate the takeover, but he was a shining light in a prolonged dark period for the club.


    I absolutely hate how in recent years his impact has been downplayed by many of our fans (certainly in my friendship group). 


    Yes, it was fundamentally pragmatic - but it had to be. We comfortably stayed up with essentially the 16/17 squad and picked up some decent scalps along the way. Ran on a shoestring and made us hard to beat and really bought into the cloob/city. Even when we didn't win in our first 8 or 9 or whatever it was I never really thought we'd go down - in fact I'm convinced we'd have stayed up in 15/16 had he been brought in a game or two before he did after we were beaten by Chelsea 5-1 before a 3 week gap in fixtures.


    The second half of 18/19 after we signed Almiron was probably the most enjoyable period of the Ashley era for me personally, including 11/12.


    Love the bloke and always will.


    Anyone that criticises him is a moron and I immediately render their opinions on football to be utterly useless


    Love the bloke and him doing bad at other clubs after us is irrelevant 

  3. 1 minute ago, FLUMPO235 said:

    Does this sort of thing normally take this long to finalise. It’s starting to feel like they don’t want him. 

    I remember him being unavailable on GL for ages when he joined, but the actual joining didn’t seem to take this long. 

    7th Feb 2022 he was put on gardening leave by Brighton


    30th May 2022 a deal was struck with Brighton and he joined 6th June 2022 after Premier League approval 


    Plus we didn't go crying to the press so timing wise this isn't out of the ordinary I guess




  4. Find it odd why some seem obsessed about ridiculing ASM


    He was a shining light for us during a dark period, we sold him and have moved on



  5. 3 hours ago, huss9 said:

    what would people make of us  just bringing in maybe only one new player for a fee if it meant keeping 39 and 14?


    I think we need more than 1 signing for a fee but in that scenario I'd absolutely take it, keeping those two would be huge


    A fee signing, a free signing and maybe a loan or two alongside having hopefully most of the squad fit would be good for next season 

  6. 14 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

    Each to their own here - I get why Klopp and Arteta aren’t liked but I really struggle to see why people would rather Man City win the league again. Even if you don’t have hatred for their manager, it’s surely really boring seeing the same team win again and again and getting to where they are through being able to spend extraordinarily before the other big teams could surely doesn’t help. 

    Klopp and Arteta are just whinging idiots. A club goes far deeper than that the person managing. Surely nicer just seeing them not having something to complain about too. [emoji38]




     A club does indeed go far deeper than the manager, it's the fans and that's where Arsenal/Liverpool are massively insufferable meanwhile City fans are irrelevant

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