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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. How this guy is being neglected by Pardew is fuckin bonkers. Everytime he plays he shows that little something special that none of our other bog-standard attacking players show (except ba). SORT IT OUT PARDS YA FUCKHEAD

  2. I thought he was aactually pretty good yesterday. Played a motherfucker of a ball across the pitch early on for lightbulb skull to miscontrol. Also played that cheeky dink in to best that he chested down to the ba-meister. He also closes down so fuckin much, aint nobody got no time on the ball when yohans about

  3. Not really sure why some people imply it his fault. Must be fucking gutting for him. I know he's rumoured to be a bit of a cunty cunt but still. Ive had injury problems and setbacks and it really is infuriating and you just end up asking yourself why the fuck it keeps happening to you while your mates play game after game with fuck all happening to them, and you know people are getting sick and tired of how you're always injured but theres genuinely nothing you can do about it.

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