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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. I actually had a weird dream bout this game aswell. Fuck knows why but it was also the carling cup final. The first half was against spurs and i was at the game and everyone was singing 'we all hate Leeds scum', and for some reason in the second half Sunderland came out and i was somehow at home watching it on the tv. We won through a late Leon Best goal, Sessegnon missed a sitter. The pitch was a really weird shape though and there were a few rows of seats just in the middle of the pitch with fans just sitting in them and the players just playing around them. :lol:

  2. Too much hate on here for Joey :(


    I don't know maybe its just me though but i've always liked Joey and always will, just had a soft sport for him. I just sort of 'get him' i suppose.

  3. I've just got this feeling that the next time England will do well in a tournament will be the next time we go into the tournament with a shitter squad that normal, meaning there's less hype around the team and less pressure on the players.

  4. Krul          >        Friedel

    Raylor      <        Walker

    Colo        >        King

    Saylor      >        Kaboul

    Santon    >        Ekotto

    Marveaux  -        Lennon

    Cabaye      -        Modric

    Tiote        >        Sandro

    Jonas      <        Bale

    Ben Arfa  -        VdV

    Ba            -        Adebeyor


    5-2 to us.  Spurs are in big trouble next sunday!  I can see a bit of a humping on the cards!  Plus they are bottlers, and they never turn up at SJP.  ;D


    Only thing that will save spurs is if Pardew has another moment of retardation and plays Lovenkrands or Ameobi instead of Ben Arfa or Marveaux.


    Wait, Cashley is a spudz fan?  Oh noes!  Pardew will be forced to play a shite team!!!!  :frantic:

    This is the sort of post that will make other teams fans will come on here and look at it and think that were all super-retards.

  5. I dunno, Americans make pretty pictures and videos with all their attempts at copying football culture of their South American counterparts/Europe, but to me it seems so cheesy and fake. Not to mention that accent just makes it worse.



    I rest my case.


    :mackems: :mackems: :mackems:


    Is nobody else in stitches at this?


  6. Uh oh the standing debate seems like its on its way back.:lol:


    I'll kick us off then. There's no way we'll ever see support or atmosphere close to those the Germans and Turks and other continental teams create until standing is back.

  7. Always liked Lampard. Hate the shit he gets as if he's a complete cunt like terry or cole. Always seems a sound guy. A lot of people have always seemed to have it in for him.



    Also, kyle Walker looks like Omed Djalilli or whatever he's called.

  8. Hate the way you always see Liverpool tops in the Everton end and vice versa in this 'derby'


    Yeah i don't really get that. How the fuck do any of them get away with it? Bizarre. Cant even begin to imagine what would happen if someone did that at any other derby in the country.

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