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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. The thing i really like about Lampard is the way he constantly takes the dogs abuse from pretty much everyone and still performs. At the start of this year people were taking him apart. Hes come out and made a fuck load of dickheads look like mega-dickheads. He's very good at just getting his head down and playing his own game rather than being affected by the hordes of mongs laying into him.

  2. A bit late in the day, but Tim Krul spotted earlier in the day in Sainsbury's in Heaton. Had lots of healthy stuff in his trolley...likes his Actimel, though he did give in to temptation with some muffins from the bakery.


    Not that I was stalking him up and down the aisles like...


    He was walking through the Gate last week munching on something in a Greggs bag





    :lol: :lol:



  3. We are playing Manchester City's youth side in the NextGen Series (some kind of Youth CL), and they have Andy Cole's son in their bench. Hope they sub him in to see if he's anything like the dad.


    I remember seeing him play for the England u16's. He looked a pretty fucking good prospect.

  4. Goals on sunday is the best footy prog ever created.


    Agree rolling guests is the best way, you can see cobwebs on hansen now.  he also talks shit and states the obvious.


    Ben Sheperd makes it fucking shit though because hes a cunt who knows fuck all about football.


    Its happened like 20 times this year where they're all getting along nicely and having a bit of a laugh and then Ben Sheperd asks a ridiculous questions thats either really irrelevant or just a bit weird and everyone else on the sofa is like 'errr riiiiight...................okaaaay'.




    Kammys fucking class though.




  5. Wonder if he did similar to the Fulham fans a couple of weeks ago.

    Wonder if Fulham fans were giving him the dogs abuse for 90 mins whilst having to put up with one of the most despicable/horrendous players to ever kick him all over the shop with no protection from the ref?

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