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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. But we rejected £20m, all the way up to £30m...is he saying that if we had accepted say £20m, then they'd have had just took £35m from Chelsea who had feck all to do with our transfer? Rubbish.


    Slowly but surely it's sinking in, you might also want to read what harry Redknapp said about the deal and our claims he was never for sale.


    Reliable lad is Ol' Arry Redknapp








  2. Doubt he's going to get brayed like Yorkie  :lol:


    Tbh, I'd feel a lot more comfortable explaining why YoCabs is fit than taking in a picture of, say, Rachel Riley and shouting, "Her tits and arse make me cock gan hard."


    I am partial to a bit of fruit & veg action though.



  3. I'd be livid if I supported Aston Villa. Players not arsed about being 2-0 down. Content to take it.


    Us in 08/09 tastic. Nice to hear the Villa fans giving Redknapp some stick. Spurs fans doing their best 20mins silence.

    Nah Villa fans are fucking cunts.




    So are Spurs fans though.




    Could do with the whole of WHL being bombed to the ground right now. No tears shed.


    I didn't they say weren't like, just nice to hear Redknapp get some grief. Horrible bent cunt that he is.

    True. Just think how many fucking dickheads are inside WHL right now.

  4. I'd be livid if I supported Aston Villa. Players not arsed about being 2-0 down. Content to take it.


    Us in 08/09 tastic. Nice to hear the Villa fans giving Redknapp some stick. Spurs fans doing their best 20mins silence.

    Nah Villa fans are fucking cunts.




    So are Spurs fans though.




    Could do with the whole of WHL being bombed to the ground right now. No tears shed.

  5. There is a large portion of Man City fans at the stadium that don't even seem to watch the game. They just face the away supporters for the 90 minutes shouting abuse.


    Some of our lot are just as bad. More interested in what's going on in the stands than on the pitch.


    We were drinking in the Northern Quarter pre match and there was a bunch of 20 year old lads in a very small pub on Thomas Street. Clearly been on the pop all morning and singing, shouting and swearing in a fairly quiet bar. Baically not showing the place a jot of repect. In the end the staff told them to piss off as they wouldn't be getting served. I've said it a few times over the last five years our away crowd has become heavily polluted by the arsehole contingent. Still some great characters but the younger lot are, on the whole, just an embarrassment to the club.

    This may be true (not that i think it is) but i hate it when i hear shit like this. Makes me wonder if whenever i go to the game all the oldies around me are thinking 'hes an embarressment to the club' 'the new breed of nufc fans are all cunts' etc.

  6. a Norwich fan on my course informs me one corner of Carrow Road is known as 'The Snakepit'.  Sounds like something Olympiakos etc would name part of their ground, not Norwich!


    They got snakes there or something?



    I've heard of it but though it was called the bear pit.

  7. I have a dream that Evra and Ferdinand will one day play in a league where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their footballing ability.

    I had a dream that my mate said he would take me to school but then decided to go against his promise cus he was watching big brother and would only go to school after that.I was like dont worry i'll come watch with you then you can take me after that. He was like nah fuck off. Then once i saw him at school we had a big ass fight.

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