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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. From Facebook


    "Did anyone see the guy fall from top tier onto us at the bottom tier, during goal celebration? hahaha. Funniest thing of my life! He got up and cheered (I guess cos he was still alive) and started shaking everyones hands! Legend!"


    Fucking hell ;D ;D ;D


    :lol: :kasper: imagine if that happened at SJP. He'd be as dead as a man who's been shot in the face with a shotgun multiple times after having somebody rap barbed wire around his cock, whilst being doused in petrol and set on fire at the same time. Thats how dead he'd be.

  2. They were 3-1 up against the best team in the world, playing in their backyard, gung-ho attacking football would have been insanity. The emphasis was on Barca to do the attacking and they didn't deliver, that's their problem, not Inter's.


    Eaxctly - Barca got it all wrong for first 80 minutes. All they did was pass the bacll back and forth about 40 yards out with no penetration and no forward movement. All Inter had to do was keep shuffling the cover on the ball carrier and close the lanes which they did very well. I thought Barca had the entirely wrong game plan - passing with no movement was clearly going no-where. In the end Inter's 90 minutes in Milan beat Barca's 10 minutes at Camp Nou.


    For real?

  3. Horrid! Sports Direct Charvtastic!


    Its not the best mockup, but still miles better then our current strip.


    This is clearly the best one though:




    If that was the real strip I'd buy three!


    Is that not pretty much bang on what we've got atm? I don't really know as i don't own one but i'm pretty sure it looked something like that with a few minor changes.

  4. Does Steve Claridge have aids? He always looks like he's dying.


    Can't really moan at Match of the Day being a 'big 4' wankfest, when it is very likely that after beating Liverpool thanks to a Guthrie shot from halfway, Shearer will jump up onto the desk and whip Hansen in the face with his absolutely massive schlong.


    These two got me  :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. I don't get it. Not trying to be dick, just honestly don't see what was hilarious, did I miss something? Just looked like despite winning the league, people had waited back ages just to shout at Roy Keane...?

    this. the first chant was funny,after that it was crap. on a day when we are supposed to be celebrating we'll spend a large portion of it shouting about others.

    Hi Madras, your so cool. Cus youre old and everything you don't need to abuse anybody, your too cool and old and mature.


    Get involved and stop being a faggot-w***.





















    or is it too crigeworthy?


    After all, you area a golden oldie.

    nah your right. it's probably just cos i'm so cool.

    i knew you'd come to your senses.










































    Cool as fucking fuck. I heard that you're so cool you don't even put capitals where they should be.

  6. I don't get it. Not trying to be dick, just honestly don't see what was hilarious, did I miss something? Just looked like despite winning the league, people had waited back ages just to shout at Roy Keane...?

    this. the first chant was funny,after that it was crap. on a day when we are supposed to be celebrating we'll spend a large portion of it shouting about others.

    Hi Madras, your so cool. Cus youre old and everything you don't need to abuse anybody, your too cool and old and mature.


    Get involved and stop being a faggot-wank.





















    or is it too crigeworthy?


    After all, you area a golden oldie.

  7. Disgraceful play acting by Tamas.


    He's a vile c***.


    I hope one of our players ends his career when they get promoted after what he did to Arteta.

    What did he do to arteta?


    Did him with a blow to the head that left him flat on his back having convulsions on the pitch, had to wear a neck brace etc. Pretty sure it was him anyway.


    He was definitely the one who spat in McFadden's face and at Duncan Ferguson.


    Big Dunc wasn't happy. :lol:



    :lol: Look at the little dickhead, you can tell from his body language that he is absolutley bricking it.

  8. He's made mistakes but he's never done anything less than enough. There's been one or two atrocities which have rightfully angered folk, but on the whole - with the benefit of hindsight i'll admit - he's done an aboslutely fantastic job. We're essentially 16 points clear of third before April, aren't we?


    I said in my post that at all of the absolutely crucial points of the season - the points where Hughton really has had to put his neck on the line - he's come through, and that cannot be argued with. As i said, the three that stand out are:


    / Pre-season; developing a team spirit and sifting out the wankers.

    / The transfer window; injuries to key players happened and the squad was small. Best's an abbhoration, but Hughton's improved the areas that needed improving, and the second half of the season has been 'won' at an absolute canter - largely because of the January activity.

    / The aftermath of losing to Forest/Scunthorpe; we could have remained in the mire and not clawed our way back out of it - but he gave the squad a kick up the arse and we've never looked back. That was October, i think. We've lost one game since.


    Three absolutely critical stages of the season and he's come up trumps in all of them. We've been pretty turgid away from home for large parts of the season, but still only lost 4 from 17 (?).


    Now leave me to it, i'm off to get some lube.

    Don't you just love it Yorkie? Don't you just love saying 'absolutley' loads and loads and loads.

  9. I really like Paul Robinson.


    We (well, the Holte End) always give him stick when we play them at our place, and he engages in "banter" (apologies for that vile Soccer AM style word) in return, always really good natured.


    He strikes me as a top bloke. David Seaman was always the same with us, too, incidentally.


    He did that when i went with a mate to see Watford at WHL, kept looking over and clapping at songs about him. He scored later to get his own back though. :lol:



  10. I hate threads like these. We'll seal it whenever we seal, but for now we should stop being so smug, or Forest might serve some humble pie for us.


    Shut up you melon. I was just curious to see when people thought/hoped we would gain promotion, if they thought we would at all.

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