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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. Lovenkrands seems to be the worst finisher on the planet. Literally wouldn't even score if he rounded the keeper and found himself 30 centimetres from the line. He'd still fucking put it wide.

  2. I know this will probably be an anti-climax in the end and he'll just get like a few boos and jeers, but i really fucking do hope something absolutely fucking horrible happens to this despicable little shit.

  3. Lads, where is your Xmas spirit.  Tis the time to forgive and forget.  Let us just show them that we are better than that and not the neanderthals that we are always presented as by the media.  Let bygones be bygones.


    Whatevs trevs. I hope he never plays football again personally.

  4. Didnt't know where to put this but thought here was best. Im sitting on a bus in west london and theres 2 lads behind me chatting loudly. I overheard "yeah my missus has got work in sunderland atm". The other one replied "sunderlands up north yeah?". To my amusement the first guy then went on some quality rant, "yeah man i gotta spend boxing day up there with her. i swear to god that place is grim as fuck. Ive never been anywhere so full of these fucking dickhead chavs who think there hard as fuck". He then went on about how the clubs were full of shit. just thought id let y'all know.

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