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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. lock this thread, you cunts. I can't believe it's reached 5 pages!


    You just don't wanna believe cus you've already made your avatar Pardew related and you'll look a fool if it ain't him.


    Unlucky son, unlucky.

  2. On the note of players not applauding fans at the final whistle, yesterday at WBA was a bit of a piss take really. None  of the players walked past the half way line, hardly acknowledging the fans.

  3. Tonight will have no bearing at all man.


    "Well I was going to vote for England, but then I happened to watch the Carling Cup match last night and Birmingham fans were less than well behaved, so Russia it is" :lol:


    Of course it could have a bearing. What if a Fifa committee member is completely torn, 50:50 on Englands bid and another countries, looking for any reason to put one over another. Seeing scenes like that could easily sway him the night before he makes his decision.

  4. People keep forgetting that we have attracted most of our fans in recent years so things that has happened in 97-98 is very distant for some.


    Hmm, I'm sure we got quite a few of our fans from the Entertainers era which was before that?


    Tbf im only 16, and only really started supporting us and caring about us when i was like 8-9, which was around 4 years after this Stevenage game. I was only 4 when it was being played.


    That means when you were 14...


    I love sex. Its Proper good. D'ya get meh??




    This country.


    Lolz i member dat. I was in a bored/weird mood. You can probably find loads more stuff like that from my posts archive tbh.

  5. People keep forgetting that we have attracted most of our fans in recent years so things that has happened in 97-98 is very distant for some.


    Hmm, I'm sure we got quite a few of our fans from the Entertainers era which was before that?


    Tbf im only 16, and only really started supporting us and caring about us when i was like 8-9, which was around 4 years after this Stevenage game. I was only 4 when it was being played.

  6. Just saw Ranger driving through Sandyford, don't know why his Range Rover is left-hand drive like.


    He shoots with his left hand.


    Sorry, but that made me laugh.


    Not a problem, I will get over it.


    PM me if you need support mate. I know how these things can be.  :thup:

  7. Imagine how awesome that would be man. If they made the Gallowgate safe standing and made sure they could only sell a certain number of tickets so it couldn't cram up and shit. Would be so cool man, and most likely improve the living fudge outta the shitmosphere.

  8. Holy f***ing f***!

    What a match to come over for :lol:


    I cant tell you how lucky and privileged i feel to be able to watch a match like this, from L7, f***ing unbelievable :smitten:


    Was at The Strawberry at 0800 or something on Sunday morning, started to get really crowded, great to get a couple of pints before the match  ;D


    The atmosphere at the match was insane, best i have ever experienced, period!

    So thanks to the near 52000 helping make this i day/night to never forget!


    Congrats to the people of Newcastle, i know for me as a foreign, its a little easier to accept a draw/lose , as i don`t have to be around the unwashed all the time, but for you, haha, i guess this made the winter months a little better :snod:






    I reckon there was a couplke scandinavian lads next to me. What block were you in?

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