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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Even though two bids over the magic £100m have been made, is this still going to take months to complete?  I predict we'll sign Brett Emerton before any takeover is finalised.

  2. also f41nt, could i possibly get your opinions on robert, bellamy, allardyce, luque and shepherd  O0


    Robert - Typical french legend

    Bellamy - good player on his day, should managed him better, souness' fault he left.  I'd have had him back anytime.

    Allardyce - Worst football I have seen us play in my life.  Derby's only win, says it all.

    Luque - Didn't want to be here, shit player etc

    Shepherd - Splashed out, but appointed shite managers and got us into the financial shite that we're in now.



  3. I heard on one of the shit media things (talkshit or Sky Wank News) that his injury record is actually not that bad.  It's like he's left Newcastle and people have stopped slagging him off / telling us how injury prone he is.  It's beyond a joke how some of the media spout this tripe.

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