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  1. Yeah I'm with you, that makes no sense. I think Kennedy is making too much of the takeover recently. He's the only journalist actively covering it and he went big on the NCSL stuff and specifically said they'd take the PL to court which hasn't happened. There is no way Wraith is his source, Wraith knows next to nothing imo and neither do the dentist or the other guy. I do think Kennedy is reporting in good faith but he is wrongly getting people's hopes up with concrete evidence. He always caveats his articles with the fact he's "hopeful" rather than "confident" but he's really pushing the positive narrative hard and I can't stand his "join the dots" nonsense. I would love for the takeover to go through and I do think there is stuff going on with regards to Ashley's legal action/arbitration but I genuinely don't think anyone knows how it's progressing outside of those directly involved. It's all gone very Qanon hasn't it? On that note, I'm out.
  2. adam1


    Whats with all their fans trying to become yewchewbas?
  3. adam1


    Of course it's Children Of The Night too. Cunts are perpetually stuck in 1997.
  4. adam1


    Yeah she came across as a completely defeatist idiot tbh. Pretty much representative of the entire club staff.
  5. adam1


    I actually saw cans of Rich for sale at my local IGA just last night. They were on the counter with 50¢ stickers on them.
  6. Well the shoulders and shoulder patterns are totally different for a start.
  7. adam1


    Clearly bullshit, as they’d have nonced her if it were true. Oof
  8. We had pretty much that exact kit in 18/19
  9. Someone's already asked Caulkin that tonight and he said ner. Caulkin knows less than half of what he thinks he does.
  10. adam1


  11. Imagine if Barcelona men's were sponsored by a box cutter company ?
  12. adam1


    Agree, they talk a good story but not a chance on earth would they part with money to save themselves , let just sit back and laugh at them .Im actually stumped to think of anything to not laugh at them it’s actually a very boring rivalry now. Just a knowing snigger at them . And there we come to the crux of the problem with Sunderland AFC. They can bleat on about how the club is the literal lifeblood of their town, their whole identity, and how all they want is PL football in a PL stadium. Just as long as it's all funded by a weathly owner and they don't have to pay for it themselves.
  13. adam1


    Howling soon as I realised Coventry were one of the teams "handed" promotion Have to say Jimmy's trolling there is top class. Splurted tea all over the worktop AM FUCKKUN FYEWWWWMIN
  14. We have never been anywhere near "this stage" in any proposed takeover in the past. I don't know when any announcement will be made, I have no idea at all . . . but I am certain that it will be worth the wait! We never had an official 'end' to the BZG takeover
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