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About jdckelly

  • Rank
    Book Wanker
  1. really don't know where the hell he'll end up. Nigh on impossible to see another prem club thinking this is a good idea unless they're incredibly desperate and think they can get him cheap (so maybe everton) but the PR backlash would just move from man utd to whatever club tries to get him
  2. theres little point paying attention to city barring extreme screw ups early in the season, its november december time they hit full stride and go win 10-11 on the trot and just become unstoppable
  3. its been said before it will be said again, what the fuck is the point of all the bullshit of var if it missed the bloody obvious like that
  4. if wolves could finish their dinner you'd have at least dropped 2 points even without the var team giving the helping hand at the end
  5. the var officials deserve to be fired for that bad a decision
  6. has to be a penalty surely he hit him straight in the head ffs
  7. taking the odemwingie attempt at a transfer to the next level
  8. https://twitter.com/SwissRamble/status/1691024582105235456
  9. how the hell did liverpool go from one of the better teams at transfers to whatever the hell they're doing now
  10. I find it strange Bayern kept bidding and bidding without some idea he wanted to come so what changed or are they that incompetent Then again maybe he's thinking 12 months from now and a nice free transfer and massive signing on bonus to another prem team
  11. don't get why sky or bt/tnt would be bothered, sky have a partnership with paramount plus for the uk market and bt/tnt don't compete in the same market do they? Maybe amazon complaining? Or one of the overseas broadcasters
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