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Posts posted by Ameritoon

  1. 10 hours ago, MuskyNUFC said:

    Hi mate, are you based in the US.

    Me and my lad are flying out from Newcastle on Sat 22nd for the game.

    registered for the meet and greet but obv iously not successful.

    I then heard all the tickets had been allocated to US based fans, not sure if that's right or not.

    Cant wait for the trip though but up at Ibrox first, next Tues night for game v Rangers.

    Based on the US and got accepted to Philly too. Not sure I'm actually going to go but think I only got one ticket? Honestly not sure how it works 

  2. Drury definitely gets annoying, but he has nothing on how annoying Arlo White could get.


    We'll be getting less of Drury and more of Jon Champion this season in the U.S, which I'm looking forward to.

  3. I'm sure Chelsea sucked a lot out of him, but so did injuries. Can't imagine he'll go for that cheap but he'll definitely have a point to prove if he wants to reach his potential.


    Been good for the US for a while, still a good player in there just needs the right club and manager.

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