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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Fuck. Only fucking ourselves to blame. We should've fucking played like this the whole match and not the second half.
  2. Fuck this commentator. He starts screaming like it's a goal before the shot's even taken fuck off.
  3. Would love to see Jonas off for Ben Arfa. Jonas seems active but his final ball is not good enough right now.
  4. Fuck off. I can't take this! Score! Loven on, not Barfa. Fuck Fuck Fuck
  5. Urg, maybe I should just shell out this $15 per month so I can watch all of our games.
  6. van der Sar is such a cunt. Howard is not.
  7. Ameritoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fucking hilarious :lol:
  8. Ameritoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Looks like he could be ten.
  9. No reason SWP should be in the squad over Lennon. Pretty damn good wingers you have if you're able to call up Milner, Johnson, Walcott, and Lennon most of the time.
  10. Ameritoon


    If you have Ad-Block on, I think you have to turn it off, that's what I did.
  11. I had a dream last night we sold Danny Guthrie. This is my second Newcastle dream in as many weeks, and my third ever. One being me and Liverpool supporting friend at SJP against Pool, we scored and he suddenly became a Newcastle friend. The other I had Vuckic over my house with another friend and Haris kept mocking how fat he was.
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