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Posts posted by tom1988

  1. 9 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Howay man it’s a cesspool, even the blue tick so-called journos spout absolute bollocks and rarely get anything right. It’s decent for breakdown of stats and such I imagine and NUFC’s Twitter account has improved massively RE vids and montages which I get to see on here, but for rumours, gossip, ITK shite and banter? It’s fucking trash!



    Hmm I'm probably the opposite; rumours, shite and banter I get from on here and vids, montages etc. I get on Twitter. I don't bother reading posts by anyone that has some shit nufc photo or parody or black and white emojis as their name or their bio. Same for any other club. If that is all they have going for them then clearly whatever they say is going to be their unverified, biased shite.

  2. I really don't understand all the hate for Twitter, surely if you're selective with your sources/accounts then it's fine?


    It's not like you'd be sat in a pub and actively start listening to or acknowledging the crazys propping up the bar and taking their ramblings as truths so why would you do it on twitter?

  3. 1 hour ago, Cookie1892 said:

    Private jet about to land from FARO in portugal


    Bruce forgotten that he's not our manager any more? Although he used to fly Jet2 didn't he?

  4. 32 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Wasn't  aware Ben Brereton-Diaz was out of contract. Poor second half of the season mind.


    He's not, Rovers took their option to extend for a year. They'll make some money on him now as there's no way he's staying.


    25 minutes ago, Joey47 said:


    He's an attacking fullback so can play in a back 4 or as wingback in a 3 at the back. I think he has much more potential than targett in an attacking sense. Also, some have suggested Howe will want to play a back 3 at times, Targett doesn't really excel as an attacking wingback which is part of the reason Villa sold him.




    Just because someone plays well on loan, it doesn't mean they should be signed permanently. 


    Willock as another example

  6. 13 minutes ago, arnonel said:

    I have a daft question:


    When a game kicks off, it normally results in hoofing the ball upfield. Why is this done? 99% of all teams do this




    I have often wondered this as it used to really piss me off that we did it all the time under Bruce.


    Apparently the aim is to get the ball to a non threatening position for the side kicking off, preferably a throw in, so that they can adopt their tactical positions based on the ball being in that particular area of the pitch.


    The thought/worry being that if the side kicking off immediately go on the attack from the kick off, losing the ball in the middle of the pitch would result in the opposition being able to quickly counter from a strong position.  

  7. Was thinking last night that despite how pissed off I was after the game on Sunday we really should be bottling this feeling and committing it to memory.


    That feeling of having been outplayed, outsmarted and ultimately smashed by a 'top 6' club that are better than us all over the pitch should be something to remember and reminisce about because if this summer and the next few seasons go as we hope/expect then getting a spanking and seeing our average players chase shadows will be a thing of the past.


    Remembering back to games like Sunday will just go to show how far we've come and what the last 14+ years have been like. 

  8. I just hope that we don't focus too much of our efforts on Monday getting rid of the deadwood. They should just tell the players/agents that they're surplus to requirements and you have until 11pm to sort something else otherwise you're out of the squad and in the reserves until the summer. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Manxst said:

    Because those Spanish clauses are specifically designed to be so over the top in value in order for clubs not to be able to purchase the player? The players we will want will have super exorbitant prices that we simply wouldn’t pay. The players with the exorbitant clauses are the type that will be at CL clubs and may not want to come anyway. Because the club believes in not just throwing money at the problem as this will taint them for any future business. A whole multitude of reasons. 

    Ok so based on your logic, we won't pay these exorbitant amounts to buy players out of their contracts so we'll just carry on fannying around trying to get clubs who clearly don't want to sell to us to sell us their players at a fair price, meanwhile each day passes and we don't have new players bedding in to the squad in what is a relatively quiet period of the season. It's hardly a recipe for success is it?


    My point with the release clauses is that if the club acknowledges the, at present, virtual certainty of relegation and wants to do it's absolute upmost to avoid it then we need to act decisively now and if that means spending over the odds to fill certain voids in the squad then just do it. 


    I'm not talking the ridiculous €1bn amounts that players like Gavi and Fati have in their contracts supposedly but if that Kounde at Sevilla has an €80m release clause (not saying that he'd come to us atm) then we should be asking the question. I'm sure that at most of the clubs in la liga (barring CL clubs or those with CL aspirations) there are players that are better than we have at the moment with release clauses that would be interested in hearing us out if we made an offer. 

  10. If we're getting knocked back by clubs left, right and centre which appears to be the case then why aren't we just focusing on players with a release clause - it worked with Wood. Pretty much every player in Spain has one in their contract as far as I'm aware, in the interest of urgency just pay the price, get the lad in and start improving the team!

  11. I'm all for backing Howe as manager and he is infinitely better than Bruce as a person but, I don't think he's particularly good.


    Aside from us being more energetic and pressing more, statistically we're still just as bad as we were with Bruce.


    Under Bruce this season we conceded an average of 2.375 goals a game and scored 1.25, under Eddie we're conceding an average of 2.1 goals a game and scoring 0.88... Pretty damning for a supposed attack minded coach.


    Under Bruce we had an average of 39.4% possession per game and under Howe it's 39.88% - again, no improvement!


    Our xG under Bruce, 0.92, under Howe 0.88


    Our xG(against) under Bruce was 1.47 and now under Howe 1.73


    The only stat where there is a noticeable difference is points per game, under Bruce we managed 0.3 and now we're up to the dizzy heights of 0.77 - Bruce also had 2 less home games and twice as many away games as Howe has had.


    I detested Bruce, he was and is awful and is the epitome of everything that was wrong with the Ashley era but with every passing game we slide closer to relegation because Eddie Howe is just not a very good coach. 


    In my opinion, if he were a good coach he would have looked at what we have (shit) and tried to make a system work that if not brings the best out of the players at his disposal then at least covers for some of their frailties but that just hasn't happened. It's all well and good having a particular style or identity or idea of how the game should be played but if you haven't got the tools for that (which he hasn't) then you need to adapt and I really don't think Howe has. 


    Life is certainly better with the new owners and actually being active in the transfer market this month is fun but we're going down whether we like it or not. 

  12. Just now, ManDoon said:

    Genuinely think our midfield is the worst in the league. I’m desperate for a CM. We could have VVD and with this midfield we are fucked. 

    We'd be best sticking VVD in midfield, more mobile and better equipped than longstaff

  13. 46 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

    If you could only have 3 more signings this window, bearing in mind what you feel we need to give us the best shot of survival, which 3 (in order) do you pick?


    Must be players we've been linked with lately.


    For me,


    1) Carlos

    2) Botman

    3) Kamara


    I've gone for Carlos slightly ahead of Botman based purely on the fact he's in his prime and should be 'ready' from the off whereas Botman might need a bit more of an adjustment period...


    Kamara because we absolutely need legs in midfield.


    For me, 


    1. Fofana from Lens

    2. Milenkovic

    3. Carlos

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