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Posts posted by tom1988

  1. Just did a predictor and had us 16th with 36pts.


    On the final day, ourselves, Brighton, Huddersfield, Southampton and Watford are against the 'Big 6'.


    I did this one: http://www.worldfootball.net/table_calculator/eng-premier-league/


    Went with 1-0 0-1 or 0-0, didn't bother guessing scores.




    Got us to finish 12th with 36 points.. Think I may have been a but optimistic with some results but Swansea, Southampton and Stoke going down would make me a happy boy. Think it's a toss up between Saints and Watford imo.

  2. Was at the west brom game today with my uncle and they looked shite. Solid enough but that was more to do with Everton being terrible - they missed Rooney massively.


    West brom just kept pumping crosses in and Rondon / Rodriguez / Robson-kanu were useless. Unless they reinforce up front they ain't gonna win many games.

  3. This reminds me of a few years ago when some sports shop or another was doing a promotion of free shirt printing when you bought a new shirt... myself and my Arsenal supporting brother took advantage of the offer. I got Coloccini and he got Mertesacker. The lad on the counter could definitely tell we were just taking the piss.

  4. Mixed bag for me I feel - massively underestimated the depth of quality strikers in the PL...  :'(


    De Gea / Butland


    Azpilicueta / van Dijk / Keane / Lindelof / Lejeune


    De Bruyne / Fabregas / Ritchie / Noble / Mooy


    Gabbiadini / Rashford / Abraham


    5 3 2 formation ?


    Probably eventually yeah, need to see where van Dijk ends up because there's no chance he's starting for Soton this weekend. 442 first up probably with Rashford, van Dijk and Mooy on the bench

  5. Mixed bag for me I feel - massively underestimated the depth of quality strikers in the PL...  :'(


    De Gea / Butland


    Azpilicueta / van Dijk / Keane / Lindelof / Lejeune


    De Bruyne / Fabregas / Ritchie / Noble / Mooy


    Gabbiadini / Rashford / Abraham

  6. He is still at the station apparently. He bumped into Stifler who is now running through the pro's and cons of the train vs car debate.

    Leave me out of this, I get into enough bull crap of my own, I don't need anyone else placing me into anymore.

    Howay Stiffy man, throw us a bone. What do you reckon Joe's take on preferable trans Pennine transport would be? Was he gutted that the Bentley was in the garage and he missed the chance to shave 20mins off the journey and listen to some top tunes in his luxury leather?

    We need to leave the TransPennine Express out of the debate imo, not representative of train travel, it's awful. Those old East Coast trains though...

  7. Paranoia is a motherfucker. Y'all need to chill. Unless anything major happens Rafa knows the score, he knows the limitations that he has to work within and he's got it under control.


    For him, this isn't a one - two year plan where he's going to change us from being a laughing stock to challenging the top 7 overnight, he's going to take his time. It's a project for him, he wants to build something sustainable.


    I really can only seeing him leaving for the Spain job or because MA reverts to type and brings in JFK and Dennis Wise as his PR team or something. Gung-ho isn't his style, just look at the meticulous way he prepares for matches. His running of the club will be no different. No stone left unturned. It's probably why it takes us weeks to sign a player that is very strongly linked because Rafa is there checking every little detail and having real in-depth conversations with the potential signings and their coaches, scouts etc.

  8. It's still relatively early days and whilst pre season has started and ideally we'd like to have a few more in by now we have to be realistic and look at the regime we're under. They're not going to get into a pissing contest (rightly or wrongly) with other Premier League teams. The players we'll go for will be like Lejeune who don't have 5 or 6 other clubs sniffing around them, so all these Delph's, Gray's, Iheanacho's etc etc are not going to be our actual targets because we're not going to enter bidding wars.


    FWIW I reckon Rafa knows this and has a list of targets that are lesser known players that he thinks are undervalued by the market that will work within his system. There'll be one or two more from Europe and maybe a couple from Britain. A lot will depend on when we start offloading the dead wood, which is easier said than done. Be patient, August 13th is a long way off still.


    Iheanacho is supposedly close to signing for Leicester for £25m. In today's market I would have thought that was relatively decent value. I hope these players Rafa thinks are undervalued are out there because I think we should be able to compete with Leicester for a striker of that calibre.


    Of course we CAN but the thing is we won't, I can't think of a player that's come in within the last few years where we have gone head to head with another club or two in order to sign. Might just be my short term memory and it being a Friday but I really don't think that's how we operate.


    Iheanacho at £25m is 'relatively decent value' but he has still only scored 12 senior goals in his career - a fact that won't be lost on those controlling the purse strings at SJP, they'll want value for money with as little risk attached as possible, unfortunately.

  9. It's still relatively early days and whilst pre season has started and ideally we'd like to have a few more in by now we have to be realistic and look at the regime we're under. They're not going to get into a pissing contest (rightly or wrongly) with other Premier League teams. The players we'll go for will be like Lejeune who don't have 5 or 6 other clubs sniffing around them, so all these Delph's, Gray's, Iheanacho's etc etc are not going to be our actual targets because we're not going to enter bidding wars.


    FWIW I reckon Rafa knows this and has a list of targets that are lesser known players that he thinks are undervalued by the market that will work within his system. There'll be one or two more from Europe and maybe a couple from Britain. A lot will depend on when we start offloading the dead wood, which is easier said than done. Be patient, August 13th is a long way off still.

  10. Nacer Chadli has had a bust up with Pulis. Derisory bids should be flowing from the NUFC fax machine.


    We should definitely start monitoring him


    Are you crazy m8? We've gotta first think about considering to monitor him.


    Apologies, i've lost track of all the stages.


    Can we get an official timeline together please for all the stages between thinking/considering/monitoring all the way through to get it over the line

  11. Liverpool have released a statement on the Van Dijk stuff.


    "We respect Southampton's position and can confirm we have ended any interest in the player."


    That's well different.

    Maybe they were put off by the rumoured £60m fee.


    Or maybe they shat their pants.


    Probably want to try and maintain good relations with them so that they can keep the conveyor belt working. That, and the fact they're already banned from recruiting youth players from British clubs meaning that another incident of tapping up could result in an outright transfer ban. I wouldn't be surprised if it is Klopp that has told them to stop dicking around.

  12. Wasn't it Reina that got done by the beach ball down against the mackems? If we sign him they'll be flying planes over SJP dropping them instead of trailing banners.


    That said, he's still class and I think if we're assembling a young squad he could be a wise old head in the dressing room.

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