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Posts posted by tom1988

  1. I'm gonna make some up.


    Was thinking the same thing - since this years FM brought in all those new role types I thought it would be funny to come up with some spurious ones and assign players that match the characteristics/position.

  2. I was under the impression that they're not the focus and therefore drift back and try to drag defenders out of position so that any one of the other talented attacking players get chances to score. This is why it works really well for Barca/Spain etc and you don't see the likes of Allardyce/Pards playing with one

  3. I think the problem with Colo is that he's had to cover both positions as for the last however many years we've had absolute shite lined up next to him. I think if he was in a position where he could trust his partner to pull his weight and then develop a solid relationship with the left back akin to the one he had with Enrique then we may see his game improve.


    Colo was and in my opinion still is a classy, quality player and to be honest I don't really blame his head going over the last few years - look at what he's had to put up with, playing next to iron mike and being managed by mr hoofball pards.

  4. With regard to Pastore, he's pretty much been PSG's best player over the last year and a bit. He had a good first season at PSG as well although he did have a bit of a dip after that first season.

    He's a fantastic player to watch


    The goal he scored against Chelsea in the CL last year was class

  5. Even if Mbemba signs we're still three signings away from a sniff of optimism. 


    Definitely. I'm mostly worried about the dead wood we've yet to shift, we all know who. I'm praying they'll clear out the cling-ons in the next couple of weeks somehow..


    Who's going to take them though? As shite as they are we don't have any back up squad players or decent youth talent to bring in when half the first team are suspended and/or injured.

  6. So with this in mind then, do you think there is a correlation between results and the games that we have played uphill second half? It must be a lot more draining towards the end of a game attacking up hill?


    Also, given the additional forces that sprinting (assuming our players do this from time to time) up and down hills exerts on the body, could this in theory be a viable reason behind the large number of muscular/joint injuries that our players tend to suffer?

  7. Dont see how you can leave Cisse out. You're asking a lot of a 20 year old to take on both central defenders in his first season.


    That 20 year old has scored against top level competition in the CL, he's a lot more experienced than his age gives credit for.


    Anderlecht played the majority of last season with a 4-2-3-1 formation with Mitrovic up top - It wouldn't be anything he wasn't used to and I think that de Jong and Ayoze floating about being pests in the space behind would give him ample support.


    I think Cisse is quite 1 dimensional and wouldn't work well up front as part of a two, he can't play off the shoulder as he doesn't have the pace and is shite at holding the ball up. Playing Cisse would mean someone would have to be shifted out wide. Impact sub for me like

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