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Posts posted by PENKAAA

  1. Just heard on 5live that they're doing a special programme on Wednesday night called "The Turnaround of the Toon", talking about our progress under Pards.


    Documentary/analysis on the rise of Newcastle on BBC Radio 5Live next wednesday 8:30-9:30pm. :thup:



  2. The fact they are making so much noise about finnishing above is all about papering over the cracks for them. they are shitting themselves, at the rate we have improved vs the rate they are failing , we have caught them in one season and should comfortably pass them next.




    Brilliant,simply brilliant.I don't even know where to begin with that post.





    wanted to ask him how he thought my prediction was doing.


    Classic from Wearyside that like :lol:




    Very overrated too you said. BTW Wearside, I've noticed you've finally learnt that a space follows a comma. :slowclap:


    But anyway, I agree with Cajun in that I think Wickham's got plenty potential. But, I still think you'd have been much better off spending that money on a player for the here and now as oppose to one for the future because I still don't see a consistent goalscorer in your team, there's still a massive hole to be filled where Bent's goals used to be.


    Name me one affordable striker better than Darren Bent.


    You can't, because there isn't one, that's just simple facts.





  3. Slight tangent like but does anyone know if he's an everton fan? Barton and Nolan's childhood club was always common knowledge but i've never heard anything about taylor.


    He was a Liverpool fan growing up, he said on nufcTV.

  4. They seem to think Wickham's knee injury is a big one, ligament damage. :(


    Poor lad, genuinely feel sorry for him if so.


    :thup: I would never wish an injury on a player like, he was starting to get some form aswell.

  5. Well done to Northern Ireland Youth team beating their Scottish counterparts in the Victory Shield earlier on. Finished 2-1. :celb:


    Sounds like such a pointless game you will wake up tomorrow and it won't have even happened.


    Scotland vs Northern Ireland  :iamatwat:






    Scotland vs Northern Ireland youth  :yao:


    :lol: Was watching it in the gym before and tbh it wasn't the best but the goals were mint.

  6. I looked on Tuesday about swapping Rooney for Van Persie but decided to wait to see if either picked up an injury during CL. Go to do the swap now and there has been a 0.6m swing in values in 2 days!!  :tickedoff:


    Got to be quick on the ball mate. I transferred VDV and Van Persie in last week.  :smug:


    Joe Allen looks like a good cheap addition to my squad too. Need to shift Danny Murphy though, but who to transfer in? Drenthe possibly?  :hmm:



    I would never put a Sunderland player in my team.

    He's good. And they have an easy run of games coming up.


    I know. But i'll never cheer on a sunderland player to do well, it's not right.


    Walters.  Stoke's penalty taker and often plays upfront, in pite of being down as a midfielder.


    Yep, was just about to post this. Any other suggestions? Ramsey for arsenal? They have some very winnable fixtures for a good few weeks coming up.

  7. I looked on Tuesday about swapping Rooney for Van Persie but decided to wait to see if either picked up an injury during CL. Go to do the swap now and there has been a 0.6m swing in values in 2 days!!  :tickedoff:


    Got to be quick on the ball mate. I transferred VDV and Van Persie in last week.  :smug:


    Joe Allen looks like a good cheap addition to my squad too. Need to shift Danny Murphy though, but who to transfer in? Drenthe possibly?  :hmm:



    I would never put a Sunderland player in my team.

  8. I looked on Tuesday about swapping Rooney for Van Persie but decided to wait to see if either picked up an injury during CL. Go to do the swap now and there has been a 0.6m swing in values in 2 days!!  :tickedoff:


    Got to be quick on the ball mate. I transferred VDV and Van Persie in last week.  :smug:


    Joe Allen looks like a good cheap addition to my squad too. Need to shift Danny Murphy though, but who to transfer in? Drenthe possibly?  :hmm:


    I've had to sacrifice 4 points, swapped Hatem for Sylvain to raise the 0.6 needed for my 2 big transfers. Marveaux at 4.7 is very cheap if he takes his chance now Obertan's injured.


    Yeah, i was pondering that one only for Cabaye instead of HBA...but obviously tansferred in those two like i said. The same goes for Santon, if he starts playing regular first team football he will definitely be replacing Steven Taylor in defence. Santon's only £4.3m i think.

  9. I looked on Tuesday about swapping Rooney for Van Persie but decided to wait to see if either picked up an injury during CL. Go to do the swap now and there has been a 0.6m swing in values in 2 days!!  :tickedoff:


    Got to be quick on the ball mate. I transferred VDV and Van Persie in last week.  :smug:


    Joe Allen looks like a good cheap addition to my squad too. Need to shift Danny Murphy though, but who to transfer in? Drenthe possibly?  :hmm:

  10. Don Goodman hates us.


    Tbh, I don't think I've ever listened to a game where he has commentated on us.


    He commentated on some of our championship games and slipped in snide remarks. He's a bit like Mark Bright, but not as much of a cunt. :thup:

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