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Posts posted by BrettNUFC

  1. "IIRC last seaon the Dirty Mags generated more revenue than us despite finishing lower in the league. The reason was the extra income they recieved for having more games shown live than us. How some people don't think this is important for our club is beyond me"


    :mackems:  :mackems:  :mackems:  :mackems:  :mackems:

  2. I can see us signing one or two more players with maybe 3 or more leaving. I can't see any 10 million pound plus player coming in but maybe a couple of 5 million or under deals.


    It's hard to believe what actually Pardew or whoever says regarding transfers because we have been told some bullshit in the past it's beyond a joke.


    Still relatively early July though and i'm happy with what has been done so far, good transfers, Tiote contract and Colo captain. However i still believe trying to justify spending the 35 million is unacceptable, they should tell us straight that we aren't seeing anywhere near that being spent on players instead of throwing in traning ground/wages/agent fees into the mix. We should have money on top of that 35 mill to cover those sort of things.


    Look forward to seeing our starting line up against Arsenal whoever that maybe...

  3. Brett, I think you're slightly missing the point that players can be held to their contracts if the club wishes. Just like they can't suddenly be sacked when the club fancies it.


    I understand that but what use is Modric to Spurs if he doesn't want to play for the club?

    Surely the best option would just to be to get the best possible deal rather than feed him the 'we will let you watch the season from the bench or stands'.


    Phil Jones signed a 5 year deal last summer and a 1 year extension in January yet why should Blackburn hold him back from Man Utd when that's where the player wants to go. Don't really want players that don't want to play for your club.

    should the player think of that when signing his long term contract. maybe he should say "just make it a 2 year deal, if i'm good i can f*** off, if i turn out to be cack you don't end up paying me for 3 years of turd"


    truth is the players want it both ways.


    Your right the player does want to hold all the aces and in some cases i dont really agree with it, especially when the contract was signed just a matter of months ago for a long term deal. But i think in Modric case that he thought Spurs were going places but have effectively taking a step back by not qualifying for champions league again and also this season looking even stronger i suppose he is regretting signing the contract but if we are to believe him, a deal was still in place where he could move but is being absolutly bumped on doing so even though a solid big money move is being offered.

  4. Brett, I think you're slightly missing the point that players can be held to their contracts if the club wishes. Just like they can't suddenly be sacked when the club fancies it.


    I understand that but what use is Modric to Spurs if he doesn't want to play for the club?

    Surely the best option would just to be to get the best possible deal rather than feed him the 'we will let you watch the season from the bench or stands'.


    Phil Jones signed a 5 year deal last summer and a 1 year extension in January yet why should Blackburn hold him back from Man Utd when that's where the player wants to go. Don't really want players that don't want to play for your club.

  5. ...and Brett, you're essentially saying that anyone really good shouldn't be playing for Newcastle either. Like, say, Tiote.


    "He's a class act who deserves to be at a top club."


    For some time now players have had contracts that mean something, i.e. when the contract is over they can leave for nowt. That's progress. But it has to work both ways.


    The fair play rules really are a crossroads for football. If sugar daddies are legitimized then we can all (well, the clubs that really matter) pack up and go home. The only hope for us is to somehow get some breaks in building a new stadium, the only hope for you is to magically pull some revenue out of your arse. Or either of us can sell our souls to oil money.


    To be fair Tiote has had one good season, looked classy and got a new contract, this doesn't mean to say he will stay for 5 years, he could still have another class season and leave next season for 20 million and that point what can you do if Man Utd or whoever are making big bids. Carroll proved one good season, 5 year contract then gone for a big transfer. If a player doesn't want to play for your club anymore your best off without. Man Utd done the same with Ronaldo, Arsenal have done well to keep Cesc and he has been a true professional through out but it's inevitable he will play for the club he loves one day.

    the difference with ronaldo was man ut'd got a very good deal out of it, with the modric situation thats not happening. if players sign contracts they ought to be prepared to abide by it like the club has to if they turn out to be s***. it's that sort of attitude that is f***ing football up.

    22 million surely it's a good deal? What's fucking up football is the transfers around that and getting compared to it. I'd rate Modric at around 20million and i think he's in the top 5 premiership central midfieders.

  6. ...and Brett, you're essentially saying that anyone really good shouldn't be playing for Newcastle either. Like, say, Tiote.


    "He's a class act who deserves to be at a top club."


    For some time now players have had contracts that mean something, i.e. when the contract is over they can leave for nowt. That's progress. But it has to work both ways.


    The fair play rules really are a crossroads for football. If sugar daddies are legitimized then we can all (well, the clubs that really matter) pack up and go home. The only hope for us is to somehow get some breaks in building a new stadium, the only hope for you is to magically pull some revenue out of your arse. Or either of us can sell our souls to oil money.


    To be fair Tiote has had one good season, looked classy and got a new contract, this doesn't mean to say he will stay for 5 years, he could still have another class season and leave next season for 20 million and that point what can you do if Man Utd or whoever are making big bids. Carroll proved one good season, 5 year contract then gone for a big transfer. If a player doesn't want to play for your club anymore your best off without. Man Utd done the same with Ronaldo, Arsenal have done well to keep Cesc and he has been a true professional through out but it's inevitable he will play for the club he loves one day.

  7. Not sure why Newcastle are so eager to get rid of Routledge to be honest, he will be on next to nothing and he's a decent squad player for his pace.


    1.5 million sounds roughly his price and a swap for Taylor maybe about right but i've never really seen Taylor play, obviously watched Swansea a fair few times last season but Taylor has never stood out but not many left backs do.

  8. Seems there will be a new headline.. nailed on




    Yup it seems as though it may just be a season long loan deal and not a £1m sale.


    A loan would be far better than a sale imo.


    Although they are trying to get him away from his party lifestyle and off field antics so they send him to Blackpool...do they expect him to be visiting the funfair everyday and blackpool tower of a night time?  :lol:

  9. Modric can 'want' or 'desire' whatever he wants, as Dresden says that's his prerogative as a player. But if he wanted a release for a Champs League club, he should have got it in his contract. Otherwise he hasn't got a leg to stand on and should play for Spurs as long as they want to keep him.


    Players can't have it both ways - the security of long contracts and massive wages as well as the ability to f*** off whenever they want a better offer. I'm sure a lot of clubs wish they could push players out the door when they don't want to honour their contracts any more.




    So is Cesc right in taking a bumper increase in wages last year and a payment bonus on top then want away again this summer?


    Contracts pretty much mean f*** all in today's game which is wrong but that's the way football is these days, just look at Andy Carroll as prime example, 5 year deal then he's off when Liverpool come calling.


    As i stated before i still believe Modric would walk into any team in the premiership and i think if him and Levy agreed the terms about a good offer coming in then he deserves to be playing at the top level and not having his career held back.


    I don't understand your point about Cesc.


    On contracts, I know they don't mean much, but that's only if both parties agree to an ending of the relationship that's allowed under the terms of the deal. If a player wants to stay at a club they can, and their employer can't make them leave. Similarly, if a player wants to leave then the club can force them to stay. A move requires consensus.


    If Modric didn't want his "career held back" he could have signed a shorter contract with Spurs or got a release clause put in. But he opted for the security of a long deal and a great opportunity from Spurs. And doubtless big wages into the bargain.


    He's playing for one of the top teams in one of the top leagues FFS, his career is amazing.

    Every player just seem to sign these 5 year contracts regardless, Ronaldo did it with Man Utd, Cesc signed an 8 year contract or something daft. It's wrong but that just seem the way it is. Spurs are for me probably around 6th in the league imo. I can't see them getting champions league football in the next couple of years. Modric career is obviously amazing, most premiership players are, but Modric at 25/26 is coming into his peak years and you can't blame him for wanting Champions League with his footballing ability. He's been with Spurs a few year now and he's hardly been a one season wonder, probably knocked up 100 appearences and now with the big clubs calling can understand why his head is being turned.

  10. Modric can 'want' or 'desire' whatever he wants, as Dresden says that's his prerogative as a player. But if he wanted a release for a Champs League club, he should have got it in his contract. Otherwise he hasn't got a leg to stand on and should play for Spurs as long as they want to keep him.


    Players can't have it both ways - the security of long contracts and massive wages as well as the ability to f*** off whenever they want a better offer. I'm sure a lot of clubs wish they could push players out the door when they don't want to honour their contracts any more.




    So is Cesc right in taking a bumper increase in wages last year and a payment bonus on top then want away again this summer?


    Contracts pretty much mean fuck all in today's game which is wrong but that's the way football is these days, just look at Andy Carroll as prime example, 5 year deal then he's off when Liverpool come calling.


    As i stated before i still believe Modric would walk into any team in the premiership and i think if him and Levy agreed the terms about a good offer coming in then he deserves to be playing at the top level and not having his career held back.

  11. On the other side of East London it's an absolute farce that Modric isn't allowed to be moved on, he's a class act who deserves to be at a top club.


    What a sickening attitude.

    How's it sickening? Promise has been broken to him, he want's to be playing in the champions league and he's a classy footballer who deserves to be competing at that sort of level. Modric for me would walk into any side in the Premiership, he's that good!


    The attitude that any good player 'deserves' to play for a top club. Exactly what is wrong with modern-day football. Spurs were in the CL last season and one year they drop out so the player is desperate for a move to Chelsea. It's f***ing dull, what is wrong with a club like Spurs? or the likes of Villa and ourselves?


    Chelsea are an average sized club with significant investment, why the f*** is it a God given right that any half decent players should end up there instead of other great, historic clubs in the league?


    I just think if he signed the contract to stay but said if a club came in for him with a big offer and he wanted to move i think he should be allowed the chance. Spurs have improved massively over the past few years and have moved streets ahead of us and Villa but aren't in the standard of Man Utd or Chelsea.


    I don't have a problem with Enrique wanting Champions League football either, class act who deserves to be playing at the top level, as much as every Newcastle fan would love him to sign we all know where he is coming from.



  12. East London?


    When i read that one back, i knew once i had hit the F5 button i was being pounced on, apologies. Haha

    i'm sure you just put east london in there to try and deflect from the silliness of the rest of the post.


    What was silly....

    Cesc wanting to move and my opinion on i still think he wiill?

    Nasri shouldn't be wanting to move and i dont think he will?

    Modric being one of the best midfielders in the prem and should be playing champions league football?

    Too much money being spent on average players?

  13. On the other side of East London it's an absolute farce that Modric isn't allowed to be moved on, he's a class act who deserves to be at a top club.


    What a sickening attitude.

    How's it sickening? Promise has been broken to him, he want's to be playing in the champions league and he's a classy footballer who deserves to be competing at that sort of level. Modric for me would walk into any side in the Premiership, he's that good!

  14. Are Cesc and Nasri staying?


    I find it hard to believe Cesc will stay after been wanting away for so long but he has been loyal enough to be granted a move away providing Barca stump up 30/35 million.


    I can see Nasri staying, that was only his first real stand out classy season and i'd be suprised if he was demanding a move elsewhere forceful enough for Arsenal to sell.


    On the other side of East London it's an absolute farce that Modric isn't allowed to be moved on, he's a class act who deserves to be at a top club. Agree with Arry though that  if Henderson is worth 20 million and they get offered around the same when Henderson couldn't lace his boots. Ridiculous amount money flying about this summer!

  15. What the f*** are you talking about Brett :lol:



    :lol: newcastle being the only club to try and justify free transfers being expensive to convince fans the 35 million has pretty much gone.


    Obviously the whole world knows about signing on fees and agent fees but to try and include all these things into the 35 million pound no wonder we can't afford anyone.


    God knows what we would have done if we hadn't of sold Carroll...Tiote would have gone instead of new contract...maybe just maybe  :shifty:

  16. Shane Long time...


    At least he's only 5-10million cheap as chips compared to Demba.


    Definitly think he would become a good signing though if we could afford him.


  17. Sounds like we did well to have enough money in the bank for our not so free transfer then...phew!


    No wonder Pardew has said only one more possibly two to come in, Ba has cleaned the club out...greedy cunt!

  18. Costing Stoke £6m isn't he? Six million times the player than Ba tbh.


    EDIT: The report I just read said they originally bid £3m but then doubled their bid? Did they really just go straight from £3m to £6m? Sounds like something we would've done under Shepherd. :lol:


    Apparently Ba wasn't free  :nope: there isn't a such thing as free transfers according Newcastle United Football Club, they are actually really expensive and take up a large chunk of 35 million pound...  :snod:


    Pretty certain he will have taken a fairly big signing on fee but ignore that, that money would have been magic'd up, yey! :snod:


    So really the free transfer was our Marquee signing we just don't know it because we can't see Ba's bank statement or his agent's...stupid game!  :rolleyes:

  19. Costing Stoke £6m isn't he? Six million times the player than Ba tbh.


    EDIT: The report I just read said they originally bid £3m but then doubled their bid? Did they really just go straight from £3m to £6m? Sounds like something we would've done under Shepherd. :lol:


    Apparently Ba wasn't free  :nope: there isn't a such thing as free transfers according Newcastle United Football Club, they are actually really expensive and take up a large chunk of 35 million pound...  :snod:

  20. Which striker plan are we currently on now....G?


    Plan A...Berbatov  :doh: ......NEXT....


    This is getting really f***ing boring.


    The moral of this story is to aim lower in the first place.


    If we had just gone for Carlton Cole in the first place we wouldn't have done all this fannying about!  :angry:


    If we had only went in for Mackail-Smith straight away we wouldn't be in this dire situation...actually Brighton are going places he would have been scribbled off pretty quickly  :tickedoff:

  21. dannysimpson12 Danny Simpson

    Good session today with the boys, the new boys have settled in well n looked good.. Bring on the new season

    2 hours ago


    Preacherman56 John Jobling

    @dannysimpson12 Does Ben Arfa look back to his good self?

    1 hour ago


    dannysimpson12 Danny Simpson

    @Preacherman56 hatems lookin class mate

    1 hour ago




    I heard Danny is pulling a fast one...


    apparently Simpo was wearing a blindfold and doing his shit backing off defensive duty and HBA still couldn't take him!


    All this was made to try and get HBA's confidence restored but if anything it's got worse  :doh:

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