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Marko NUFC

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Posts posted by Marko NUFC

  1. 8 minutes ago, Flip said:

    Croatia can fuck off. Devastated. Brazil v Argentina in a semifinal would’ve been a classic.

    I think it's quite unfair comment. Ofc for the neutral would be fantastic Arg-Bra. But Croatia for such a small country to repeat the feat of reaching semi final in a row is not only admirable but inspiring for all other smaller football teams around the world that they can achieve impossible.


    I think Argentina v Croatia will be amazing game on Tuesday and who knows maybe we send Messi crying home as well and beat the odds again 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Paullow said:

    Fuck sake. Was hoping for extra time. 2-1 Leicester - it will probably mean that they have Europe on their mind when they play Everton twice as well (not that I'm bothered about that from a Newcastle perspective, just general).


    Plus, while maybe not the same now because we could genuinely be going for cups in the coming years, whereas 7 months ago it was so bleak, but it would still be annoying if Leicester won yet another recent trophy, their 5th in the PL era, while we are still waiting for one for more than 50 years.



    I think Leicester will be motivated to stay competitive for Europe if they go through so it's actually worse for Everton.


    Also why it would by annoying if Leicester would win 5th trophy. I would be very happy if it's someone else out of classic top 6 sides and it also gives a light to other medium clubs to follow that they can achieve anything with proper club management.

  3. 10 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    Modric’s English is v. good considering he only lived here for 4 years a decade ago. Contrast that to Bale or Aguero. 

    He’s still a 120 minute player. He could go on at the highest level for another 4 years if he wants. 

    Yh and he also speaks fluent Spanish!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Nate said:

    Anti-vaxxers already going wild because Lindelof appeared to be having heart palpitations.


    Has it actually been established whether there has been a spike in athletes suffering heart problems this year? Anecdotally it does feel as though there are more reports of it.


    Also in the crowd those few now incidents with heart attacks. Interesting to see the stats.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Neil said:

    Is it just me who thinks Watford actually have a decent amount about them and might be OK? Sarr and Dennis are 2 of the best attackers in the lower half IMO. Granted they need to sort their defence out but by all accounts they've deserved a lot more than what they've got from recent games.


    Clearly, that's from an objective perspective. :lol:





    I agree with you and with those glimpses of Watford capabilities against ManU and Everton, they have a feel to be much better than what the table shows and Brentford stealing a win isn't ideal in my opinion. The draw would have been perfect. It would put Brentford +8 from us with one game more played and could easily be drawn back into the relegation fight as they don't seem to play good football. 


    Expect them to start having worse performances as the season is heading to its 2nd half.

  6. 3 minutes ago, NEEJ said:

    Marko suggested a Croatian venue for the next one, like. ?? 


    Haha, I confirm. Next year you will have whites, blacks, blues and Croats ?


    @Yorkieit was a pleasure today and thank you for welcoming us! Hope next year in Zagreb!

  7. 8 hours ago, Yorkie said:

    What nation has brought the most to football? Not just winners, but cumulatively historically, culturally, socially, in terms of its supporters and having heroes and legends consistently emerging through time, everything. 


    Italy mebs? 

    Could include Yugoslavia as it has a rich history of great players and cultural and social impact on all countries that formed Yugoslavia. Although here I can speak for Croatia as football had an immense impact on the country especially after the war in 90s and Croatian bronze medal at World Cup 1998 just after the war.


    As I was little at that time, that World Cup is ingrained in my memory and those generations who watched our heroes all went into football and that manifested in a great generation of our national team which won the silver medal in WC 2018.


    Maybe 2038 we get the gold medal? :)


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