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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. They're obviously tyre-kicking time wasters with nee money.
  2. Can we ban the chronicle from here?
  3. Doubt any statement will have any effect on anything really, if he was actually planning on selling, he still will. Pretty certain he won't factor in an Ashleyout statement into his decision
  4. At the risk of sounding like a deluded geordie, there aren't many clubs around that will give him the exposure nufc does, especially a 'cheap' club.
  5. Was there any type of questioning when they were trying for Manu? Not sure tbh but I can't remember seeing Amnesty International kicking off and forbes retweeting etc Top and bottom of it is, if they took over man u, the sports media would absolutely love it so they could froth over the impending Manchester rivalry. There would be some absolutely wounded media pricks if it did come off for us.
  6. Will be class when they go back for man u and the media suddenly think they aren't so bad after all.
  7. What a load of horseshit. Everythings there, no problems, but going to fuck it off as info has been leaked which everyone would have found out soon anyway. Basically Ashley's started to worry things were getting to serious, and using the 'leak' as reason to pull the plug.
  8. Memories of Sonya’s snatch.... Fucks sake. Had wiped that from my memory. Fwiw I thinks Staveleys arse would be clean as a whistle.
  9. Aye, second option. He gets it so far, then starts with the advertising/merchandising demands. I believe he'd happily sell on his terms, and his terms will mean he's not losing a penny via advertising etc. Which in my opinion is never going to happen.
  10. Just another reminder (as if we needed one) of where nufc is as a club.
  11. The man who said he knew of a deal but couldn't discuss it, as discussing I meant it wouldn't happen? It's happening!! I'll bite this time. Pretty sure he didn't say it was solely based on whether he said anything. I'm guessing he knows as well as most of us that Mike is going to scupper any deals anyway, but didn't want to jeopardise it further for a few retweets or whatever. He remains one of the more trustworthy journos. He hasn't spoken of it, and it hasn't happened. Just because this makes him appear more credible doesn't make him more credible. I'm not basing his credibility on what he has or hasn't said about this. I'm basing it on his past articles/interviews etc. You're only as reliable as your last claim. This isn't something I can be arsed/is worth getting into I'll stick with my ignorance and continue to believe he's trustworthy.
  12. The man who said he knew of a deal but couldn't discuss it, as discussing I meant it wouldn't happen? It's happening!! I'll bite this time. Pretty sure he didn't say it was solely based on whether he said anything. I'm guessing he knows as well as most of us that Mike is going to scupper any deals anyway, but didn't want to jeopardise it further for a few retweets or whatever. He remains one of the more trustworthy journos. He hasn't spoken of it, and it hasn't happened. Just because this makes him appear more credible doesn't make him more credible. I'm not basing his credibility on what he has or hasn't said about this. I'm basing it on his past articles/interviews etc.
  13. The man who said he knew of a deal but couldn't discuss it, as discussing I meant it wouldn't happen? It's happening!! I'll bite this time. Pretty sure he didn't say it was solely based on whether he said anything. I'm guessing he knows as well as most of us that Mike is going to scupper any deals anyway, but didn't want to jeopardise it further for a few retweets or whatever. He remains one of the more trustworthy journos.
  14. In the middle of it all some guy is asking him for advice on a small oral cyst
  15. Some horrendous 'bantzzz' during the last round of rumours iirc.
  16. Ahhh fuck me.... Forgot about that as well Fuck this like.
  17. Maybe he has to send it to tender and then he will accept the highest bidder. Maybe he has no intention of selling.
  18. Can we please just forget all this Saudi carry on now? It's quite obviously heading the same way as every other bit of interest shown..... Blocked by the fat man. He's been talking to 'other parties' for years.
  19. This is still what I expect when he eventually does 'sell'. Some no-mark who agrees to all of his clauses and demands. There's no chance he sells to someone who wants a clean cut purchase.
  20. Such as Palace and Bournemouth. Bring it on.
  21. Have to say this is ultimately going to be a pointless thread. Having said that, I'd be 100% back in the minute ashley is gone, regardless who comes in.
  22. It's all coming from Jim White.
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