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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. They are nowt special Liverpool man, watched them 4 times this season, Mackems, Arsenal (ish), Everton and Spurs. Were ok against Arsenal, and the majority of the Everton game was against 10 men and they wern't superb or anything. I fucking hate Suarez, the little cheating pillock. It's the teeth I think, or the fact he waves his arm whilst falling to the floor which probably takes some doing to be fair. He's good but a right little bastard.

  2. Moving the away fans to the North Upper will actually make it easier for the police for fans coming by coach as we are building a new coach park next to the Aquatic Centre which is directly opposite the entrance to the North Stand. However it will certainly make it interesting for those coming by Metro and the protection Newcastle fans have been afforded by Northumbria Police for the last 2 seasons will now be over. Whichever Metro station either the SOL or St Peters will now involve walking past the Sunderland ends of the ground whereas for the last 2 seasons that hasn't been the case.


    Also expect to pay a lot more for your tickets, the North Stand upper is a unique area of the ground and not comparable with any other part of the ground which means Short can effectively charge what he wants and their is nothing anyone can do about it.


    Mind, we're shaking at the thought of walking past a few yobs singing 'WE ARE SUNLAN' in their Air Max and Stripy jumpers. Infact im worrying now.

  3. As a team and squad the only ones better than us in the PL are Chelsea and the Manchester Squad. Gordon, Sess and Richardson would all easily get a game for the vast majority of the premier league

    I dont like comparing us to the mags. We can not be compared, we stand as an instituion which represents the positive aspects of Britain and humanity. The are an insidious sect who do nothing but obsess over us and oppose our every move.



    Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=631568&page=9#ixzz1ZfLsGjFG


    We all know the wank over Gordon and Sessegnon, but fucking Richardson!? :lol:

  4. Got a horrible feeling about this and I don't like it one bit. These arseholes always seem to beat us, then again so did Fulham and we beat them. Hopefully we've turned a corner and actually starting winning the games you should be looking to win. Same team as Villa is fine with me, would have liked to have seen Marveaux start but to have him and Ben Arfa as options from the bench is very pleasing indeed!

  5. If he's so sick there, I could see him taking a wage cut personally. Despite probably being motivated by the lifestyle and money (who wouldn't though) the lad clearly loves this club and this city. His family, girlfriend and probably best mates are from and  all will reside in and around the city. Not forgetting he will have an ego, if he could be the main man again in 'his' city, he'd be back in a flash. And I would certainly take him.

  6. I actually rate Jonas as one of our most important players. Runs and runs all game and wins many free kickis in dangerous positions. I would seriously give him a blast on the right, didnt he play there against Man U and Bolton in the early games of the 08/09 season? I was convinced we were going to come about 6th after that mind :lol:. A front 4 of Jonas,Ben Arfa, Marveaux and Ba with Cabaye and Tiote behind them is very exciting. Then we have the likes of Obertan, Best, Gosling, Vuckic and Sammy to use from the bench to change the game.

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