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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I fucking hate Cattermole like. Not only is he a class A cunt, he actually knows nothing other than to sliding tackle. A terrible excuse for a footballer, and you still have idiot mackems like this thick fuck who has just started at Billy Hill who claims he is better than Tiote.

  2. Fantastic appointment. The complete professional, could have sulked when it wasn't going his way in the Relegation season but he just got on with it and probably has became our key player and one of the best centre backs we have had in recent years. Get his contract sorted and its happy days!

  3. Please don't be sold out, I went to town today to get them but it started pissing down so I ended up shopping with the f***ing missus. I will brutally murder her if I miss this, took the day off and got train tickets.



    EDIT: my kid reckons that's just the first batch of tickets, phew.

  4. Just watched it again (to get me moneys worth and that) and it really is tacky as fuck like. Made me realise as well how much of a risk this buying French strategy is. I'm fully behind it, but it's clear we had lads who the club really meant something too playing for us in the last 2 years.

  5. Arrived in the post today and given it a watch. Certainly the worst made DVD of the last 10 years we've had. Usually a fair few interviews throughout, usually some decent extras worth a watch, absolutely nothing on this. lots of key highlights missed out as well, notably the ones already mentioned in here. The opening clip and end clip were exactly the same as well, showing the good goals.


    Very little effort put into this, which probably explains why its a bit cheaper than they were a few years ago (from memory - not 100%)


    Bit cheaper!? I payed £16 bastard quid for this shit :lol:.

  6. I'd like to see Cabaye given 5 or 6, personally.


    4 is free aswell, probably is just provisional like, but then again everyone else has their correct numbers. Poor old Ba with the jinxed number. Bramble, Luque and Xisco; the legends of #19.

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