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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I try to avoid all kind of communication with the club, probably a bad thing but I booked a tour with my Granda last week and all I got for 13 minutes was a recorded message of some man with a fake geordie accent telling me 'It's Arsenal at home first for the Magpies, followed by a trip to Sunderland!' followed by some crap about nufc.co.uk or something. Anyway back to the point, the lad I sit with went to the Box Office about 3 weeks ago to confirm since we can't be sat in L4, could we go to the Strawberry Corner, he then picked where he wanted us to sit and according to the lass there, it was all done and dusted.



    That was 3 weeks ago. Should I be worried I've not heard anything? A letter, and email, a phonecall, anything. I'm scared.

  2. BPLTransferNews Justin Turner

    speaking to my friend across the channel, he thinks that gervinho has told close friends he will be playing for #NUFC, will look into it


    And so it begins. Again.

  3. "Javi Martinez seems built for the Premier League." - Alan Smith.


    In that statement he sums up everything that's wrong with our game. Don't primarily judge a player by how he's built, judge him by how good he is with the ball.


    Exactly. I've known a few lads turned down at academy's because they were deemed too small. Woopdy fucking doo man, they had far more ability than anyone else my age but it seems as though all scouts etc are looking for these days is big, built lads.

  4. Spain are miles ahead of us in every single department. I think alot of it has to be blamed on the way in which the English game is structured. Over here, as soon as you get to secondary school at the age of 11, you are thrown onto 11-a side pitches, meaning the players are not developed enough for the large pitch. This means British school kids have a tendancy to just hoof it, whereas the Spanish play on small pitches until they are 16, meaning they get used to pass/move situations. Something that needs looking at as soon as possible really.

  5. Seems as though we've reacted quickly to finding out the answer from Gameiro. Good too see another piece of good buisness from all involved having a plan B and seeing it through (hopefully). Obviously it represents a gamble but less of a gamble since it is free. Cant see him being on ridiculous wages either, considering the regime in charge. Fair play to all involved.

  6. I've said all along I'd prefer N'Zogbia. For all we know, Gervinho could flop in England. Charlie is proven, get him in before fucking Liverpool (probably) do.

  7. Why the hell would they want Wickham? Not like they need him and he is quite similar to Carroll. Just getting him so no one else can kind of transfer policy this.


    They've got no decent strikers below Suarez & Carroll.


    If that's the case, then I don't understand the need for Wickham. £9million is a lot for a relitavely unknown quantity, especially at the top level. If back up for AC/Suarez is a priority, then this just seems like a mega gamble to be fair, especially when the likes of Gameiro/Sturridge are apparently on the market within this price bracket and would probably improve their side anyway.

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