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Posts posted by SLK

  1. Just shows how important is to have him fit the whole season. We definitelywouldnt be in our position the PL if Hatem was playing this season.


    This coming summer we must get another creative midfielder who can ghost his way into goal and score. Belhanda ?

  2. HTT I don't agree with you regarding not having a style at all. Not saying it has been a good season to watch but given the reasons (not excuses) that has been mentioned before numerous times here, we haven't been able to play the way the team is capable of playing. Adding to that loss in confidence  and loss of luck in games were we would have won it last year (Wigan for example). The Fulham game we hit the woodwork and the post 3 times. Against Benfica we hit the post twice and Cisse could have had a hatrick. Against Man U and Arsenal away we played great in long periods until we ran out of steam.


    Also I think if we had just another good striker to support Cisse rather than the useless Ameobi then we wouldn't be sitting talking about how bad this season has been. We simply lack goal scorers in the team this season especially when Cabaye started the season poorly and HBA has been injured all season. And when Ba left when were left with the under performing Cisse who just started to hit his strides.


    We need players to chip in with goals from all over the pitch supporting the forwards. We need defenders who can score a few goals a season. We need midfields who can grab 15 goals at least collectively and finally we need more than one striker capable of getting at least 15 goals a season.

  3. I don't understand who some people here want to bring in as a forward when Shola is the only option on the bench we have ? We should have bought a strike last summer and January but we didn't so we are stuck with Shola hopefully until we get at least one striker this summer.

  4. As soon as Ba was sold a new strike should have been brought in. Again stupid mistakes like this and not investing in the summer has cost us a lot. Ameobi shouldn't be an option.

  5. Can't think of a manager in the league who has got less out of the talents at his disposal than him, in fairness. Haven't watched enough European football in 2013 to comment for the rest of Europe :razz:

    He is the same person who got so much out of less talents at his disposal last season.


  6. I agree with people who say Pardew is not very good tactically and we the shit hit the fan he forgets all about passing and ball distribution and reverts back to his brute force method of long balls using it as a counter attacking



    He may have to go at some stage but it will be a big mistake to do it right now as it's a bit too late and difficult to get the right manager who will be happy to take over at late stage. I know it's not completely his fault for every lose we suffer and injuries aside some of our players didn't start playing football until January including Cabaye who we now know we had a shit start to this season after the EUROs.


    I think Pardew struggles when his best players especially his get out of jail players like Ben Arfa are not available for almost the entire season but just because he finished 5th last season and named manager of the year I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Until next Christmas where his performance should be assessed.

  7. We're not 3 points away from relegation due to injuries.

    I honestly don't know if another manager could have done better given the same circumstances ???


    Wat ?

    :lol: It's unbelievable, man.


    We're 3 points from relegation and went through a period where we picked up about half a dozen points from 30 (it might actually be worse than that).

    So you think if we had your realistic preferred manager then we would have definitely done better ? Who's this manager and how do you know he could have achieved beyter with our small desimated squad ?


    Finishing 5th and being manager of the season is reason I will give him until Christmas next season to redeem himself. If results are not better then sack him.

  8. We're not 3 points away from relegation due to injuries.

    I honestly don't know if another manager could have done better given the same circumstances ???

  9. The main line of argument for keeping Pardew has become 'sacking managers hasn't worked for us in the past'. When that's all you've got left you know you're talking about a manager who's just not doing his job well enough.

    That's one reason but also the horrendous injury problems we've had all season given the lack of investment made last summer in first team players and 3rdly finishing 5th last season and being manager of season which weren't fluke.

  10. Does anyone want Pardew to stay on another season? If there is anyone that want him to stay, why? 

    I'll give him the start of next season and review the performance by Christmas time.

  11. Very unlucky today - missing our 4 best players, 2 fullbacks crocked within half an hour and still took 2 ridiculously bad decisions to beat us.


    Yep and lost to the worst team in the league very unlucky we were

    The same worst team which beat Everton on their home turf ??? I thought QPR were the worst but I guess some people here just come up with anything to prove it's Pardew's fault we lost the game.

  12. No way can Halsey just shrug his shoulders and say "didn't see it". He's looking squarely at the f***ing tackle. He watched it happen. He follows the paths of the ball and sees the whole incident from start to finish. I realise a player briefly runs into his line of sight but "sorry, didn't see it guv" isn't acceptable.


    It's incompetence. That's without even starting to ask what the f*** his linesmen were looking at. Needs to lose his job.

    Aren't they the same linesmen who allowed the handball goal to stand. Maybe they need spectacles.

  13. f***ing horrible comments in here. We would have won had we not been screwed over by the ref and had some f***ing luck with injuries.


    Yup. We lost because of the referee and his assistants - plain and simply.


    No we didn't.

    Yes we did. Maybe a rewording would help comprehension. Wigan won mainly due to refereeing incompetency.

  14. Some of the comments here are just so silly...Just kiddie silly. Who is this manager you want who would have won the game against such horror show refereeing ??? Be honest and think before writing rubbish. Tell me who is the manager who was going to win the game against such refereeing today ?

  15. Again he goes for instant shot whenever he gets the ball instead of sometimes needing to look around for better positioned players and do a simple pass. Perch could have scored if Cisse didn't interfere.

  16. He looked very tired today given he has been playing two games a week for a while now. The forced substitution didn't allow us to sub him with Anita in the 2nd half as Im sure he would have been if not for the Sunday league refereeing.

  17. Hasley out. Career threatening injury and still playing against 11 instead of 10 players then the hand ball goal. What do you against such horrible Sunday league refereeing ?

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