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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. Interesting.  The plane could well be doing a survey of the city and with that be scouring for alternative locations for new grounds or training camp moves.    O0

  2. The top 10's are personal choice really and Lineker to his credit does mention this a lot.    What is really refreshing tho is to hear their own personal opinion on stuff and their admittance that nowadays TV etc, does reckon that football started in the 90's when the premier league started.


    A small grumble of mine is that they shouldn't really need to sensor the swearing as it airs around 10:30pm

  3. Aye. Im also enjoying the MOTD top 10's with Lineker, Shearer and Ian Wright.  Once things normalise and we can breathe beside each other again, there has to be a weekly spin off with these 3 and their off the cuff comments.  It's like a breath of fresh air away from their scripted stuff.


    Obviously these delays are all smokescreens while the authorities are coming up with a plan to deal with the 85,000 who will attempt to descend on Gallowgate as soon as this is formally announced


    From tomorrow when can go out 'exercising' as many times as we want and as far from home as we like so then seems as good a time as any.  Just got to keep 2 metres apart whilst we circle the ground.

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