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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. Where does it say there's a diversion?  The flight I thought he was on is currently over Ireland and due to land at Heathrow in 40 minutes.   


    If so then he should be up here early afternoon with an announcement tonight if no Ashley spanners arrive from anywhere.

  2. From my viewpoint in the middle of the gallowgate I called the Ritchie substitution as he was fairly anonymous in the second half and there was no way Kenedy was coming off, although in hindsight I reckon the Perez change for Muto would have been done earlier by Rafa instead.

  3. I can't believe it's taken people this long to cotton on to the fact that Charnley has been in on it.  He's a shit deflector that doesn't get any shit. A perfect foil for Ashley.

  4. We'll probably get them on the Thursday before because the entire Newcastle staff will have fuck all else to do that day.


    That'll be an improvement as ive had them arrive after the season start

  5. Found out that the bairns tickets weren't automatically renewed so emailed the box office this morning explaining the gaff. Got a phone call within half an hour to sort it out and direct debit for usual seats was reinstated. Happy days.

  6. Im on a 10 year price freeze and with this whole new 'link up' thing on the official nufc website was wondering if I needed to renew as its not clear.  Cant even log into the site as there's an error with it. Just the usual shambles or is it just me?

  7. So the fans forum was last night and aside from 1 or 2 comments on twitter about it being the usual positive jaunt, there's been no mention.


    A bit like our mainstream media where the top 10 main subjects are ignored and something dragged out of nowhere then used as propaganda to get a hidden intention id imagine is ahead.


    Let's not talk about needing x amount of millions to upgrade the training ground or the intentions of Ashley or the club, it'll be all about focus on saving cash and being careful by not being ambitious.  The chorus of 'baaaah' when the bogs get them automatic air fresheners or the tannoy in the gallowgate corner gets it's volume adjusted. No doubt.


    Some binoculars to see the tellys in the foyer would get me onside like.

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