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Posts posted by duo

  1. I think the trouble Carr has is that he's probably handing Ashley as list and they're buying choice number 5.

    Charnley rather than Ashley. We really need to get a skilled negotiator in as a director of football


  2. Personally considering the number of chance he tends to get in a game I think he could quite easily be a 15-20 goal a session player.  He could have had two yesterday alone if it wasn't for Fosters brilliant save.

    That's if he scores every chance. He gets about one good chance a game over the last 10 or so games. A bigger problem rather than his finishing, which may come in the future is that he doesn't attack the ball in the box when we get down the line. The amount of crosses we got in good areas yesterday with nobody to attack them was amazing. This may be a confidence thing but even after he scored the goal yesterday he wasn't attacking the ball

    Hopefully that will come - to be fair we've not been creating many chances for him but the likes of Shelvey/Townsend should address that so once they get an understanding he'll start attacking the box more.

  3. Personally considering the number of chance he tends to get in a game I think he could quite easily be a 15-20 goal a session player.  He could have had two yesterday alone if it wasn't for Fosters brilliant save. 

  4. Wish this daft t*** was more consistent. If he'd been in this form more consistently or at least not so far from it we'd not be in so much trouble. Totally bossed the game and dovetailed very nicely with Shelvey.

    Think he's had a quite few injuries which haven't helped.  Plus we've been changing system quite a bit and we've found one that suits him - having Shelvey along side helps as well - it complements his play.  This partnership is the best since Tiote/Cabaye

  5. The lad can finish though.

    Well why doesn't he do it more often then?


    No you're right. He clearly can't finish. Every single one of his career goals to date has been a total fluke.

    He's getting into the positions which is the most important thing - He just needs to get used to the pace of the league, which will come.  His composure yesterday was 1st class.

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