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Posts posted by duo

  1. Dummett is no way a class left back we need a new Enrique who has strength and pace ... in fact left back is the weakest link in that defence crosses were poring in from that side today Haidara flatters with his attacking runs but he is no defender ... will get murdered as will Dummett by flying tricky forwards


    Dummett is a solid LB. Will be able to defend. Haidara isn't up to it.

    Thought Haidara do ok today - give far more going forward than Dummett.

  2. People quickly forget he was easily amongst our best performers for the first half of last season. After we somehow resisted cashing in during January he was pants. Maybe because he wanted to go, who knows. But I wouldn't sell him.

    Ditto - I want to see him play with better players and a decent coaching team.

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