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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. 18 hours ago, CPL said:

    Trippier Q&A on YouTube, which is quite interesting. Stand out question was when he got asked would he rather win the World Cup or Champions League, and he said World Cup but did apologise to the fans ?

    Taking the champions league win for granted. Good lad.

  2. 3 minutes ago, thepercyarms said:


    they still have the option to take a case to court 'in the public interest' regardless of whether or not the she withdrew her statement. I would say the video evidence would've been more than sufficient to bring about a realistic chance of conviction. he was as guilty as fuck. 

    the justice system in this country is by and large, fucked.

    they can only take cases to court if it’s in the public interest. They can bring a victimless prosecution but that’s tricky. They are also only supposed to take a case to court if there is a realistic prospect of conviction. 

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